Kamala Harris Shakes Things Up with VP Pick: Inside the Exciting Announcement

Kamala Harris has pulled a historical checkmate, announcing the underdog as her running mate pick. After days of pondering and soul-searching, Kamala Harris settled on Minnesota Governor, Tim Walz in a race of two with the other choice being Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro. Harris, now the official Democratic Presidential Candidate, unveiled her pick in an energetic speech in Shapiro's backyard, Philadelphia. In this post, we analyze what was said in the exciting VP pick announcement and look at how Kamala Harris has shaken things up for Trump's campaign.

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Kamala Harris Shakes Things Up with VP Pick: Inside the Exciting Announcement

Kamala Harris had a few choices at the onset of her surprise candidacy for the 2024 Presidential race. Harris, thrust into the spotlight by President Joe Biden's decision to pull out of the race, was eager to take on the role and immediately began drumming up support for the Democratic ticket. Once she got enough assurances, pledges of support, and endorsements from Joe Biden and Barack Obama, among other Democrats, she set out to find a running mate.

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Joe Biden has pulled out of the presidential race and endorsed his VP Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris's Bold VP Pick: Minnesota Governor Tim Walz

At the very end of her search, Kamala had two choices: Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Minnesota Governor, Tim Walz. As it were, the expectation was that Harris would pick Shapiro, a Democrat with a track record of delivery and service to his constituents.

Kamala Harris announced Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate pick for the 2024 Presidential Race. Source: Cb.

Instead, she chose to go with Tim Walz, a previously unknown figure who had recently gone viral after referring to Donald Trump and his running mate J.D Vance as "weird". Harris's VP pick was unexpected and shook things up, as she chose to go with the underdog.

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Who is Tim Walz, Kamala Harris's Running Mate Pick

Tim Walz is the current governor of the state of Minnesota. He is a former teacher, a former serviceman with the Army National Guard, a former Congressman, and a former high school football coach. Walz is in his second term as Minnesota Governor and is known for his progressive politics.

Tim Walz is a family man, married to Gwen Walz, and the father of two kids, Hope and Gus. Source: Tim Walz Facebook.

Tim Walz is also a family man, married to Gwen Walz since 1994, and a father of two kids, a son Gus, and a daughter, Hope. Tim Walz was born in West Point, Nebraska on 6 April 1964, and is currently 60 years old. He grew up in the Nebraska Plains tending to his family's farm. Walz's father was also an army man and a teacher.

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Why Kamala Harris Picked Minnesota Governor Tim Walz

Kamala Harris opted for Tim Walz as opposed to Shapiro for several reasons. One, she needed a candidate who would help her reach across the aisle and galvanize Republican voters to support her. Walz is from a predominantly 'Blue' state but has significant influence in neighboring 'Red' states such as Michigan and Wisconsin. His appeal and progressive policies make him influential in these states, which are key battleground states with the potential to swing the presidential vote. Walz is, therefore, a very strategic candidate in helping swing those 'swing states' her way.

Tim Walz, above everything else, is a strategic pick for Kamala Harris, owing to his values and mannerisms. Source: Getty.

More crucially, Tim Walz represents the average American. He is an individual that the working American can relate to having been a teacher, and a veteran of the National Guard. As seen in the announcement today, the Harris campaign is very keen on ensuring its relatability. What this does is contrast Harris to Trump and his campaign. Trump was born with a silver spoon as is his Yale graduate running mate J.D Vance. Therefore, Walz is the perfect candidate as he comes across as down-to-earth.

Tim Walz also has that Southern mannerism of being a plain speaker, to the point it may come across as being 'blunt'. Walz is an individual who speaks his mind and will not shy to bring the fight to Trump and his running mate. He also comes across as honest, tying to the need to be relatable, and is a running mate who mirrors Kamala Harris's beliefs and background.

Walz is also someone with a proven track record across the numerous roles he has played. Walz has been at the forefront of enacting anti-gun violence regulations. He has also supported legal abortion as the governor of Minnesota, complementing Kamala Harris' assertions that she is keen to sign legislation legalizing abortion, after the recent repeal of Roe v Wade. Tim Walz is also credited with introducing free meals to school students in Minnesota, building on his reputation as a leader who serves the people.

Taking a Stand on Abortion
From a human point of view, we all exist primarily because we were born.

Read more on taking a stand on the controversial issue of abortion law

Why Kamala Harris Did Not Pick Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro

Kamala Harris did not pick Josh Shapiro for one main issue. Shapiro is reportedly a staunch supporter of Israel. Shapiro is a Jew, but that is beside the point. The main sticking point that could have kicked him off the running mate position is that he has pledged unequivocal support for Israel, at a time when Israel is undertaking a genocide against Palestinians.

No Israel.. No More Violence.. Give Palestinians Their Country Back!
What Hamas did was wrong and I would like to condemn the acts of violence they undertook and to condemn terrorism as a whole

Read more about Israel's oppression of the Palestinians

When compared to Tim Walz, Josh Shapiro also falls short in that he lacks a down-to-earth nature about him. Shapiro, don't get me wrong, is a very effective leader and the people of Pennsylvania adore him. What I am trying to say is that Shapiro lacks that grass-to-grace life story that would make him very relatable to the average American voter.

Unpacking Kamala Harris's VP Announcement: Key Takeaways from the Exciting Harris Campaign VP Pick Announcement

On making her decision, Kamala Harris first unveiled Tim Walz as his VP pick to her email list of supporters. She then revealed her running mate pick in public and set Philadelphia as the place for her official announcement. In the event, held a few hours back, Kamala Harris was met with an arena filled to capacity. Somehow, a Democratic candidate had managed to energize the campaign so much that there were a few thousand supporters who did not get a seat in the 14-000 capacity arena. The lines outside were huge, circling a block the size of two football pitches twice.

Kamala Harris announced Tim Walz as her VP pick in Philadelphia. Source: It.

A Fight for the Future

Kamala then took to the stage, flagged by her pick for the Vice Presidential ticket, Tim Walz. She then went on to introduce him, sharing his background as a high school teacher and high school football coach. She then shared her manifesto saying that her campaign, unlike Trump's, sought to "fight for the future". Harris made it clear that "we will not go back" alluding to Trump's rumored 'Project 2025' that seeks to cut thousands of jobs, scrap the Affordable Care Act, and consolidate power to the Republicans.

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Kamala Harris's Manifesto

Kamala Harris, in contrast, maintained that she will strengthen the Affordable Care Act, enact a ban on assault rifles as part of anti-gun violence regulation, and reinstitute the right for women to choose "what to do with their bodies without the government telling them what to do" when it comes to abortion.

Harris also emphasized on "the promise of America" where she said that it is only in America that an immigrant from Oakland such as herself and a "son" from the Nebraska plains can end up in the White House. Kamala then introduced Tim Walz to a roaring applause.

Walz first took the opportunity to thank her and then went on to take his hat off to Governor Josh Shapiro saying that "everyone knows when you want a bridge fixed, you call this guy [Shapiro]" alluding to Shapiro's effective service delivery in Pennsylvania.

During his announcement as the running mate pick for Kamala Harris, Tim Walz lauded Josh Shapiro's service delivery saying he is the man to call if you need a bridge fixed. Source: TTI.

Tim Walz: Relatable, Funny, and Very Direct

Walz then gave a very energizing, funny, and charming speech, laying out his support for Kamala and taking jabs at Trump and J.D Vance. Walz said that he would "have her back" referring to Harris and also "people" referring to the American people if elected. Walz took jabs at Trump and Vance saying that he "can't wait to debate him [Vance]" and then adding, "if he gets out of the couch and actually shows up", to a roaring laughter from the crowd.

On Trump, Tim Walz said that violent crimes had gone up during Trump's presidency, and that is "not counting the crimes he [Trump] committed". Walz said that Trump "doesn't know a thing about service" as he "is too busy serving himself,... again and again". Walz also said that Trump "divided" the country.

Tim Walz didn't shy to take jabs at Trump and his running mate J.D Vance during his acceptance speech. Source: Abc.

All in all, Tim Walz came across as a very down-to-earth and relatable candidate. His background as a teacher and high school football coach, who "won the State Championship" as he said, makes him the perfect running mate for Harris, to contrast Trump and Vance. Walz's humble background and stellar record of service as a teacher, army man, congressman, and now governor just pave the way for Harris to really show Americans that she is out to serve the average citizen, and not the rich.

Bridging the Political Divide

Kamala Harris said that if elected, she would "govern on behalf of All Americans" indicating her intent to reach across the political divide for the "good of the country". Similar sentiments were shared by Tim Walz, who Kamala said had reached across the divide in Minnesota, to ensure service delivery and for the benefit of the people.

Bringing Back the Joy

Walz also said that Harris had "brought back the joy" referring to how her candidacy has managed to energize Democratic voters and galvanize them in support of her candidacy. Harris also announced that she had gotten the official nod from a delegate vote, that was held the previous night, making her the official Democrat Presidential Candidate for the U.S. Presidential Election, 2024.

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Is Tim Walz a Good Fit as Kamala Harris's Running Mate?

Tim Walz, in many ways, is the perfect running mate for Kamala Harris' presidential campaign as he speaks to her core beliefs and manifesto. His alignment with her values and his nature as a plain speaker add on to her adamant call that "when we fight, we win!"

Tim Walz said that J.D Vance and Trump are "creepy" and "weird as hell". Source: NR.

Walz is a candidate who will have the ability to fight the insane narratives that are likely to emanate from the Trump campaign and ensure that Harris gets the vote, even from Republican states and strongholds. It also does not hurt that he is the cliche "old white man" as with that he relates to a huge part of America and the historical changemakers and power brokers in the country.

Watch the full VP announcement below. Courtesy of KSAT 12.

Harris Picks Tim Walz as VP: The Potential Fallout for Trump

For Trump, the potential fallout from Tim Walz's selection for Harris's VP ticket could be existential for his chances at winning come November 5. Trump, who has been the leading candidate in the polls, now sees his popularity weakened as back then he appeared to be the better candidate when compared to an increasingly frail Joe Biden.

In response to the news that Tim Walz will be Kamala Harris's running mate, Trump called him a "liberal extremist". Source: GB News.

With Kamala Harris replacing Biden in the race, however, Trump may find that he is no match for her wit and determination to become the next POTUS and the first female; and the first black female president of the United States.

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