William Ruto Inaugurated as Kenya’s Fifth President

Former Deputy President and President-Elect William Ruto was today inaugurated as the fifth president of the republic of Kenya. Ruto was inaugurated as per the constitution; which stipulates that the declared winner shall be inaugurated on the first Tuesday in seven days after the Supreme Court makes a determination. Ruto’s win in the 2022 general elections was disputed by the Raila Odinga and Azimio camp who took a presidential petition case to the Supreme Court a fortnight ago.

Kenya’s New President

William Samoei Ruto is now Kenya’s fifth president. As controversial and uncanny as that is, it is now law and he’s now by law the fifth President of the Republic of Kenya. The Azimio One Kenya leaders and the right honorable former prime minister Raila Odinga have been forced to accept this new reality after their Supreme Court petition bore no fruit.

Will Azimio go to the East African Court of Justice?

Martha Karua, the vice presidential candidate for Azimio, said that as per her own personal opinion, she rejects the outcome of the election petition. Karua attested that she was seriously considering seeking a reprieve from the East African Court of Justice, as much as she was still waiting for the Supreme Court judges to explain their rationale for rejecting the Azimio petition.

A Slumpy Rigathi Gachagua

Deputy President-Elect Rigathi Gachagua was also sworn in as the deputy president today at Kasarani National Stadium. His taking of the oath was somewhat slumpy as it had to be repeated after he seemed to be reading from a different script. Despite the hiccup, Gachagua retook his oath and everything went smoothly the second time. It is yet to be seen, however, whether he and his boss Ruto will come out on the other side deserving a second term in office.

Will William Ruto and Rigathi Gachagua Lead Kenya Well?

Well, we are yet to see. It has been a very heated campaign season and the 2022 general elections have been very divisive and too close to call. Therefore, before even trying to figure out whether William Ruto and Rigathi Gachagua will be good leaders, we should probably think about the over 6 million Kenyans who didn’t vote for Ruto and chose Raila Odinga instead.

Azimio Supporters’ Reaction to Losing the Election and Supreme Court Petition

Azimio supporters have reacted to losing the election and the Supreme Court petition majorly by expressing their grief. Nearly half of all the voters who voted in the August 2022 polls voted for Raila Odinga and Azimio and unfortunately, lost the election. Azimio petitioned against Ruto’s win but failed to convince the 7 Supreme Court judges that Ruto didn’t deserve the win.

A Peace Loving Azimio la Umoja along with Its Supporters

Even so, Azimio supporters have remained peaceful and kept to their promise to accept the Supreme Court’s decision and maintain peace in the country. Azimio has proven itself a peace-loving coalition and party, as have their supporters who have behaved so well and held the peace.

Will the Jubilation After William Ruto’s Win Last?

There was a lot of jubilation today at the Kasarani National Stadium as William Ruto was inaugurated as president. He was almost inaudible while taking his oath as the attendees of the ceremony cheered him on in jubilation. Despite this warmth and joy, we are left wondering whether the jubilation will last. My honest view is no.

The Harsh Plight of Kenyans Despite a New Administration

Kenyans will still be in a country where the price of basic commodities is too high, a country with burgeoning debt, and one where cartels are still ravaging and plundering public resources. At this point, we can only hope that William Ruto and Rigathi Gachagua will do the country justice and not be part of the looters and cartels milking Kenya dry.