Why You Should Consider Staying When You Feel Like Leaving Your Partner

Life is anything but a straight line and in the maze of it all, there are a lot of unknowns out there that could affect you in a myriad of ways.

Why You Should Consider Staying When You Feel Like Leaving Your Partner

Relationships are tough and sometimes you feel as if you've had enough and just wanna leave your partner and do away with the relationship. Even then, you should consider staying and trying your best to mend the relationship. In this light, we thought we could go into the reasons why you should consider staying when you feel like leaving your partner.

There are a Lot of Unknowns Out There

Life is anything but a straight line and in the maze of it all, there are a lot of unknowns out there that could affect you in a myriad of ways. You may leave your partner and end up single for two years. This is not to say that you should stay in a relationship that is not working but you can do your best to at least try and stay. There are so many unknowns out there and you may end up losing even the little you have while looking for more.

There's a Reason You Were Together in the First Place

We often forget that we fell in love with this person for a reason. Therefore, in times when you feel like leaving, try and find that reason and hold on to it. Maybe they have such a beautiful smile or an incredible personality, think of that and think of how it makes you feel and try to stay. No one benefits when you leave and the two of you break up. Everybody hurts and nobody wins.

It's an Extraordinarily Beautiful Thing Love

Love is such an extraordinarily beautiful thing and you should not just do away with it with little or no reason. Instead, appreciate it and nurture it. Try and water your love and keep it alive; even when it feels like it is not worth it or you're not getting what you wanted.

It Takes Work for a Relationship to Work

Relationships work by both parties sticking to them and putting in the work. It takes constant intentional working on it, from both parties, for relationships to work. As such, when you feel like it's not working, why not try and talk to your partner, and the both of you get working on making the relationship work?

Just Try and Stay, You Never Know

You lose all the battles you never fight and in the same sense, just try and stay, you never know. We are all constantly growing and learning and your partner will get better over time. Maybe they just need some time to align themselves with what you both want. Maybe they are undergoing stress from work or feel pressured. Try and give them the space, time, and opportunity to grow.

Take Your Time

It is crucial to take your time, especially in important matters such as love and relationships. Try and take as much time as possible before pulling the plug on your relationship. You can even go away and get some space, think about things and then decide if you truly want to leave.

Do Not Make Decisions Hastily

There is nothing as dangerous as making decisions on a whim. Do not be too quick to decide on important issues. Rather take your time, draw out the reasoning behind why you are deciding what you are deciding, and then find the sense or rationality in your decision. If it makes sense to both your heart and mind, then it could probably be the right thing to do. It is wise to also make sure you follow your gut feeling.

Beware of the Euphoria of Perceived Freedom

We may sometimes get caught up in the euphoria of perceived freedom. We may feel that we want to be free and let go, but fail to realize that said freedom could be just an illusion. Nobody is holding you hostage in love. As such, why not try and find a way to meet them in the middle?

Meet Your Partner in the Middle

In life, we cannot always get all we want when we want it. As such, we should learn to compromise a little and get a little of what we want. That is the nature of meeting in the middle. You get a little of what you want and give up a little, and your partner also gets a little of what they want and they also give up a little. In the end, everyone is satisfied.

Consider the Consequences of Leaving

Leaving may seem like what you want and need but you should first consider the consequences of doing so. For instance, what will your life be like when you leave? How will you feel, how will you spend your free time? Will you be lonely, sad, and isolated? Is your partner the one person who can brighten your day? Think about that. You don't want to leave and end up depressed. However, if you feel depressed to stay, then please go; by all means.

Consider What Your Partner Wants

We often are quick to only think of ourselves and be selfish in relationships and end up paying little thought to what our partner wants or how our decisions will affect them. When you are feeling like you've had enough and want to leave, please take a moment and think about what your partner wants. If you truly love them, you care about what they want. Therefore, consider them and their feelings before deciding whether to leave. Think of how your leaving will affect them and please try and be empathetic.

Is Leaving Your Relationship the Right Decision for You?

Are you just leaving because you're tired or are you leaving because you know and feel it is the right thing to do? Discerning why you are actually leaving and doing it in a rational way could tell you whether you should actually leave or you should stay.

Remember that the Both of You Mean Something to One Another

Another important thing to remember is that both of you mean something to one another. You did not fall in love with one another for no reason. There was and still is something that connects the both of you. Therefore, instead of dwelling on what went wrong, find that thing that brought you two together, and try and nurture it.

My Experience: Please Stay if You Can and if You Can't, Let the Other Person Down Slowly

Ultimately, it is your choice if you want to stay or really want to leave. Nobody else can make that decision for you. If it is such an internal fight, please take some time away and just meditate on the issue. If you do decide to stay, please apologize for wanting to leave, and please openly communicate to your partner what made you feel aggrieved and want to leave.

Letting Your Partner Down Slowly as You Leave the Relationship

If you do decide that you cannot stay, however, please let your partner down slowly. Talk to them and let them know that this is the best decision for both of you. Forgive them for the wrongs they did to you and let them know you have forgiven them. It is important to also ask them for forgiveness for the wrongs you may have done to them. Brace yourself for a single life, and pray that God gives you a more fitting partner. Sorry and we're sending you lots of love. Xo.