Why Taking a Vacation is a No-Brainer

The way I like to think of a vacation is to see it as a stopover whenever you’re traveling and taking a road trip.

Why Taking a Vacation is a No-Brainer

Taking a vacation is a must. Period. There’s no better way to ensure that you attain a work-life balance. It is so important that not taking a vacation could have fatal circumstances. Yes. You could die from not taking a vacation and that is a fact. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll die and the postmortem will say “cause of death: not taking a vacation”, but it could be fatal. The cause of fatality would be as a result of deteriorating health and an ever-increasing level of stress and exertion to both your body and mind.

A Vacation is a Stopover in Life

The way I like to think of a vacation is to see it as a stopover whenever you’re traveling and taking a road trip. If I took my car on a trip across the country, then the car and I would require stopovers and periods of rest to ensure that we both perform at peak effectiveness.

As such, as simple as it is to just take some time and let the car and yourself rest during a trip, then it should be as easy to take a vacation. Breaking the monotony of everyday life and work is crucial and provides better overall results as you will be more productive and perform at peak effectiveness, thus leading to increased profitability.

Top 10 Reasons to Take a Vacation

The best reason to take a vacation is that you need it and even if you do not know it, you want it. Apart from that here are more reasons.

  1. There’s no better way to reward your body for allowing you good health to work and make a living.
  2. Taking a vacation tells your mind and body that you care and you will always do what’s best for your health.
  3. Taking a vacation improves your performance so much that you would never realize your potential and work at peak effectiveness if you didn’t take a vacation.
  4. A vacation is fun and you’ll love it.
  5. It’s a good way to do something you have always wanted to do but lacked the time for.
  6. A vacation could mean taking a paid leave and literally getting paid to travel and enjoy yourself.
  7. Life is too short and if you want to visit somewhere or see a site then a vacation will help you do that.
  8. Taking a vacation could mean crossing out one more thing off your bucket list.
  9. Taking a vacation could be a good opportunity to connect and network in a relaxed setting.
  10. Taking a vacation is good for your overall health and wellness. It is also very good for your spiritual well-being and visiting a religious site could help you rediscover your spiritual self and nourish it.

Does Taking a Vacation Relieve Stress?

Taking a vacation does relieve stress. It relieves stress so well that you may not need to worry about anything that would be stressing you out for a while. It helps other stress management efforts by giving you the opportunity and time to be away from work and other stressors.

Research on Vacations

Research indicates that meditation and taking a vacation have overlapping effects. According to studies, taking a vacation increases happiness even as in some cases that effect fades in a few weeks. However, to avoid said fading, it’s important to take vacations that inculcate a higher sense of connectedness with your wellness and spirituality.

For instance, a journey to discover Indian Buddhist religion and religious practices could teach you meditation and give you a higher sense of connection to self, nature, and the things around you. The best way to illustrate this is to reference the book and movie ‘Eat, Pray, Love.’ By not only taking a vacation but doing it as a journey to discover a new way of living or a new and preferably higher purpose, then a vacation could have long-lasting positive effects on your happiness.

5 Benefits of Taking a Vacation During COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic sure did enough to mess up work and plans but as things continually open up, taking a vacation may just be what you need to overcome the trauma of the pandemic. It has been a gruesomely tough two years now and we all need to take some time away from where we have been locked down and what we have been doing throughout the pandemic. The benefits of taking a vacation during COVID include the following.

  1. Relaxation and being away from work, school, or other places where there are lockdowns or restrictions due to the pandemic. It also means being away from places you could be exposed to the virus.
  2. Stress relief by realizing a sense of ‘things can still be good even with a raging pandemic.’
  3. The opportunity to visit places that would be otherwise crowded gives you the time and space to take-in experiences and sites more intimately.
  4. COVID has meant that companies work more flexibly and if you work from home then it’s that much easier to take a vacation and even work from the place you are visiting. Remote working or telecommuting presents an opportunity to work from anywhere in the world.
  5. Taking a vacation during COVID could also mean having the opportunity to ‘run away’ from adversely affected locations and seek refuge elsewhere while on vacation.