Why Doesn’t Anybody Talk About How Hard Love Is?

Understanding the reality of love & relationships, and asking why nobody talks about how hard love can be

Why Doesn’t Anybody Talk About How Hard Love Is?
Photo by Verne Ho / Unsplash

Love is one of the most celebrated, poetic, and universal human experiences. From fairy tales to blockbuster movies, love is often depicted as the ultimate goal — a perfect, eternal bond that conquers all. But here's the truth that often gets brushed under the carpet: love is hard. It’s messy, it’s challenging, and at times, it can feel downright impossible.

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Yet, despite these struggles, no one really talks about how complicated and painful love can be. Let’s dive into the reality of love and relationships and explore the reasons behind these difficulties.

"In the end, love isn’t about perfection — it’s about perseverance."

The Fairytale Myth: Why Love Isn't Always Easy

Many of us grow up with romanticized notions of love — we envision finding "the one," falling deeply in love, and living happily ever after. But the fairytale ending is just that: a fantasy. In reality, love requires effort, compromise, and sometimes sacrifice. Even the strongest couples face challenges that make their love feel fragile at times.

man and woman kissing on top of gray rock at beach | Real love can be very hard and isn't always easy | The Fairytale Myth: Why Love Isn't Always Easy | Mania Africa
The fairytale myth isn't real. Real love can be very hard and isn't always easy. Photo by Nathan Dumlao / Unsplash

Love is complex because it involves two individuals, each with their own set of emotions, baggage, experiences, and expectations. This inevitably leads to friction, misunderstandings, and emotional turmoil. And that’s okay. The problem is that most people don’t openly acknowledge that love is supposed to be challenging. They feel like if it's not easy, then something must be wrong.

Love is Not Just a Verb
I think of Kendrick Lamar’s line, Love is Not Just a Verb and my mind wanders. It wanders not in profanities of love being a verb, a do if you may, but as a philosophical translation of what the phrase means.

Why Does Love Feel So Hard?

Numerous factors can make love feel difficult, especially when conflicts arise. Below are some of the most common challenges couples face that can make relationships seem overwhelming.

I. The Incompatibility of Expectations

One of the hardest aspects of love is dealing with unmet expectations. Everyone enters a relationship with certain ideas about how their partner should act, how love should feel, and what the relationship should look like. However, no two people are the same, and mismatched expectations can lead to disappointment, frustration, and arguments.

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If you’re feeling like you’re getting small love then it may be your own issues that are bringing it up.

Solution: Communication is key. It’s important to openly discuss your expectations with your partner and make adjustments together. Understand that no one can be perfect, and setting unrealistic expectations will only lead to heartache.

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After months without seeing each other, she implied that she would be in town with a friend.

II. Emotional Vulnerability

Love forces us to open ourselves up, exposing our deepest fears, desires, and insecurities to another person. This kind of vulnerability is terrifying for many, especially for those who have been hurt in the past. When arguments or fights happen, it can feel like your partner is not only disagreeing with you but rejecting who you are.

Being vulnerable in love can lead to a lot of anguish | Why Doesn’t Anybody Talk About How Hard Love Is? | Love and Relationships on Mania Africa
Being vulnerable in love can lead to a lot of anguish as it is never easy to open yourself up to someone else. Photo by Z Sarpong / Unsplash

Solution: Build trust and patience. Vulnerability is hard, but it’s essential for true intimacy. Trust that your partner isn’t trying to hurt you and learn to accept that being vulnerable is part of the process of deepening your connection.

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III. Conflicts and Arguments

Every couple fights. It's normal to have disagreements in a relationship, but constant or unresolved arguments can make love feel unbearable. Fights often arise from misunderstandings, miscommunications, or deeply rooted insecurities. If not handled properly, they can create emotional distance between partners.

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Solution: Learn how to argue productively. Instead of avoiding fights or letting them escalate, focus on healthy communication. Listen to your partner’s perspective, express your feelings without blame, and work toward a resolution that satisfies both parties. Taking a step back during heated moments can also help prevent saying something in anger that you’ll regret later.

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IV. External Stressors

Life can throw a variety of challenges at us, from financial issues to job stress, family problems, or health concerns. When these external pressures weigh on a relationship, it’s easy to take the frustration out on your partner, leading to tension and conflict.

man in blue sweater | External stressors like job stresses can weigh down on your relationship | Love and Relationships Advice on Mania Africa
External stressors like job stress can weigh down on your relationship, necessitating a separation of your work and personal life. Photo by ahmad gunnaivi / Unsplash

Solution: Be a team. Recognize that external stress is affecting your relationship and try to face it together. Support each other through the tough times and avoid letting outside problems seep into your personal connection. Sometimes, it helps to find outlets, like talking to friends or therapists, to relieve external pressures.

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V. Fear of Abandonment

For many, love brings up fears of abandonment or being left behind. Whether these fears stem from past experiences or childhood issues, they can manifest in a way that causes people to act clingy, overly dependent, or even push their partner away as a preemptive defense mechanism.

Solution: Address underlying fears. If abandonment fears are affecting your relationship, it’s crucial to recognize them and communicate them to your partner. Seeking therapy can also help unpack these deeper emotional wounds, allowing you to form healthier attachments.

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VI. The Complexity of Emotional Needs

People’s emotional needs in relationships differ vastly. One partner might need more affection, while the other may crave space. Finding a balance between these differing needs can be a constant struggle and leave both parties feeling unfulfilled or misunderstood.

Solution: Compromise and adaptability. Learn to give and take in a relationship. Both partners must be willing to adjust and meet each other halfway. It’s important to check in regularly with your partner and ask what they need from you emotionally and vice versa.

VII. The Struggles of Long-Distance Relationships

Being in a long-distance relationship can be one of the hardest tests of love. The physical separation, lack of daily face-to-face interactions, and the longing to be near your partner can create feelings of loneliness, frustration, and even doubt about the relationship's future. Communication becomes harder as time zone differences, work schedules, or the absence of non-verbal cues lead to misunderstandings. In some cases, insecurity can creep in, amplifying fears of drifting apart or wondering if the distance will ever end.

Long-distance relationships require effective communication | The Struggles of Long-Distance Relationships | Relationship Advice on Mania Africa
Missing your partner who's away can be very challenging. Long-distance relationships require effective communication and finding ways to connect emotionally. Photo by Adrian Swancar / Unsplash

Solution: Cultivate Trust and Create Regular Connection Points. To ease the pain of long-distance love, it's important to build a strong foundation of trust and commitment. Establish regular communication habits — whether through texts, calls, or video chats — to maintain emotional intimacy. Plan visits when possible, and when you can’t be together physically, find creative ways to feel connected, such as virtual dates or watching the same movie at the same time. Setting future goals, like eventually closing the gap or moving in together, can also give both partners something to look forward to, easing the emotional strain of distance.

Why Love and Distance Always Collide
Love is like seasons because some days are good and others are bad. It is like going on a voyage across the seas.

When Love Hurts: Dealing with Pain and Heartbreak

There are moments in relationships when love becomes painful. Whether it’s the pain of unresolved conflict, the sting of betrayal, or simply feeling disconnected from your partner, the emotional toll can be immense. It’s in these moments that love seems less like a joyful bond and more like a heavy burden.

I. Heartbreak After a Fight

Fighting with someone you love can feel devastating. The harsh words, the distance, and the lingering resentment can leave deep emotional scars. After a big argument, it’s easy to feel isolated, hurt, and unsure of how to move forward.

Solution: Give space for healing. After a fight, it’s important to give both yourself and your partner time to cool down. Reflect on the argument, and when you’re both ready, come together to discuss what went wrong. Apologizing, forgiving, and focusing on solutions will help you heal and strengthen the relationship.

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II. The Pain of Emotional Disconnection

Over time, couples can drift apart emotionally. You may feel that your partner no longer understands you or that the connection that once brought you together has faded. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and sadness, even if you’re still physically together.

a close up of a pill bottle | Emotional disconnection with your partner is sickening | Why Doesn’t Anybody Talk About How Hard Love Is? | Mania Africa
Emotional disconnection with your partner is sickening and you sometimes wish there were love medicines to help you two come back to that place where nothing else mattered. Photo by Lance Reis / Unsplash

Solution: Rekindle the connection. Emotional disconnection doesn’t have to be permanent. Take the time to reconnect with your partner by engaging in activities you both enjoy, having deeper conversations, and prioritizing emotional intimacy. If needed, seeking couples counseling can also help to bridge the gap.

III. Loss of Trust

Trust is the foundation of any relationship, and when it’s broken — through infidelity, lies, or betrayal — it can feel like the entire relationship is crumbling. Rebuilding trust is an incredibly hard and painful process, but it’s not impossible.

Solution: Rebuild trust step by step. For trust to be restored, both partners must be committed to the process. The person who broke the trust needs to show genuine remorse, be transparent, and give their partner time to heal. Meanwhile, the person who was hurt must eventually open their heart to forgiveness if they want to move forward together.

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Trust is important in all relationships because it gives a feeling of acceptance to all parties and they feel that they are accepted and appreciated as they are.

Why We Need to Talk About How Hard Love Is

The truth is, love can be hard. It’s not always the perfect, romantic experience that movies make it out to be. And that’s okay. What’s important is that we acknowledge the difficulties, talk about them openly, and normalize discussing the challenges that come with being in a relationship.

man in gray crew neck t-shirt sitting beside woman in black shirt | Why We Need to Talk About How Hard Love Is | Love & Relationships on Mania Africa
Sometimes the biggest problems in relationships only need you to sit down with your partner and have a talk. Photo by Brian Lundquist / Unsplash

When we don’t talk about how hard love can be, we set unrealistic standards for ourselves and others. We might feel like we’re failing when our relationships hit rocky patches or when love doesn’t feel as effortless as it should. But once we accept that love takes work, we can approach our relationships with more compassion, patience, and resilience.

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Final Thoughts: Love Is Hard, But It's Worth It

Despite its challenges, love remains one of the most rewarding experiences in life. The very things that make love hard — vulnerability, emotional complexity, and the need for compromise — are also what make it so meaningful. It’s through these struggles that we grow closer to our partners, deepening our bond and creating a love that is resilient and real.

Love and Relationships - Mania Africa
All our articles on the topic of Love and Relationships. We look into the tenets of love, explore ways to improve our relationships, and offer tips to improve our relationships, sex lives, and how happy we feel we are with those we are with.

Therefore, the next time you’re feeling like love is hard, remember: that’s perfectly normal. The key to make it feel easy is to face those challenges with open communication, understanding, and a commitment to working through the tough times together. In the end, love isn’t about perfection — it’s about perseverance.