When Humanity Lost Communication and How It Happened

Lost communication speaks to the loss of human-to-human communication owing to the propagation and advancement of online communication technologies. We, as humans, are losing the knowledge and styles of communicating with one another and conveying the messages we need and want to communicate. We are increasingly learning to communicate online at the expense of in-person and face-to-face communication.

The 'Connect' Lie that Communication Apps are Propagating

The reality is that more and more apps are coming out every day that seek to โ€˜connectโ€™ people. The question is, are they disconnecting us from each other? Is technology negatively impacting our ability and effectiveness of communicating with one another and relaying face-to-face messages?

How All Communication Today is Online Communication and the Consequent Loss in Communication Skills

We are increasingly communicating online but also sourcing our information online. We are increasingly sourcing our news on social media or through online news platforms. As a result, we are increasingly learning to fetch information online at the expense of learning how to acquire communication skills for interacting with people face-to-face.

Learning how to communicate effectively with other people is a skill that you can only perfect through practice, and to do so, we need to communicate with others in person. We can then acquire the various skills needed by talking to others face-to-face and learning how to relay numerous communication styles and receive and interpret them as they are intended.

Non-Verbal Styles of Communication and How They Are Getting Lost

There are various communication styles beyond verbal communication, and these include non-verbal communication, body language, and non-verbal cues. An excellent example is learning when to speak and doing it so that you do not interrupt others. Such a skill can prove very important even in a professional setting when you are talking to clients.

By learning when to speak, you can communicate effectively, ensure that your communication remains courteous, and exercise good etiquette. Effective cross-cultural communication, for instance, can propagate peace and understanding among different cultures.

The Need for Body Language and Why It is Becoming Lost in Communication

Body language is essential and having the skills to communicate through body language and to understand and interpret the body language of others is very important. For instance, if you are a social worker and are talking to a child about their well-being, then learning how to read body language can be very helpful in understanding the child.

Imagine how unfortunate it would be when the child is trying to relay some communication using body language. As a social worker, you fail to pick up the numerous non-verbal cues they are relaying. Therefore, we must learn the various forms of communication and become conversant with using them. These will ensure that we can communicate wholly and relay what we mean and intend to mean with ease. This would ensure that we avoid miscommunication and being misunderstood or misconstrued.

Can you interpret body language effectively?

Communication as a Pillar in Relationships and How Lost Communication is Affecting Them

When it comes to relationships, communication is crucial and is one of the biggest pillars of any relationship. Learning how to communicate effectively within a relationship can ensure that the relationship withstands the numerous issues that couples may face. Unfortunately, most relationships break due to miscommunication.

In a relationship, you not only need to be a good communicator, but you also need to learn the various ways to relay empathy, love, and understanding within your communication. By being the person who can say how they feel and say it in a sensitive way to the other personโ€™s feelings, you can relay your message effectively and in a respectful and caring way. One can also avoid heartbreaks by being a good communicator.

Lost Communication in the Professional Setting

In the professional setting, employers and managers rely on communication to ensure that all work is done and done in a required way, as per the needs of clients. Communication ensures that managers can relay what is required of employees in a way that they can understand and be directed by. On the other hand, employees need to be in a position to effectively picture how they are expected to perform their roles and have the needed communication skills to not only receive but also relay communication to their managers.

When employees face issues, they rely on communication skills to indicate the various points of difficulty they face and seek help from managers. Companies that promote and encourage effective communication ensure that their clientโ€™s needs are met, and their employees feel appreciated. It is, moreover, the responsibility of organizations to train their workforce on how to communicate effectively and to do it in a way that aligns with the goals and objectives of the company.

Why Technology Should Only be a Plus for Communication and Not a Minus

Technology is an important part of communication but should not take away from how well we communicate in person. Technology should only build on our existent and lifelong-attained communication skills and efficacies. It should act as an additional layer of ensuring that effective and skilled communication gets to where it is needed and relayed without distortion.

Technology enables us to send information across geographies and through numerous devices and mediums. However, when the message sent is not communicated effectively and with the appropriate skills, then the communication received on the other end is just as ineffective. As such, we need to learn how to be good communicators to promote effective communication even when communicating online. By learning to communicate effectively in person, we can then transfer the same communication skills online.

The Pervasiveness of Online Communication and How We are Losing In-person Communication

We are increasingly losing communication by becoming overly entuned to communicating online. We lose the various skill and efficacies needed to speak to others face-to-face and do it in a wholesome way. We are increasingly unable to relay and interpret non-verbal cues and body language.

Therefore, we are losing touch with one another and are increasingly unable to connect with others in person. The COVID-19 crisis propagated this loss and as we get into the post-COVID period, let us relearn how to communicate effectively. Let us keep our phones on the side and attend in-person meetings, albeit with social distancing, instead of participating in Zoom meetings.

The Need for Communication Skills Training to Stop the Loss of Quality Communication

Companies should ensure that they establish communication training to ensure that they can effectively listen to their clients and implement what is needed. That way, the workforce will have the skills needed to understand and implement what is required of them effectively, but they will also have the skills to relay what they require to accomplish the assigned tasks.

The world will be a better place when we all have the needed skills to communicate one-on-one and employ the same skills when communicating online. You can imagine all the good there would be in the world if political leaders learned how to communicate their politics in a respectful, sensitive, and well-measured way.