What is Religiosity and What are the Commonalities of All Religions

What is Religiosity?

Religiosity refers to a strong feeling or belief about religion. Religiosity is appreciated as a way that we humans connect with our spiritual selves and the spiritual world or what we would call the spirit world. Through the evolution of man and through epigenetics and other forms of passing on characteristics, we have learned to be religious.

The Evolution of Humans Into Religiosity

We have evolved to seek more from the spiritual realm. That is, we have evolved to become more in touch with the spiritual spectrum of living and the universe. Religion got practiced for millennia, and till today, a majority of all humans still practice one religion or the other.

The Idea and Ideals of Religion

Religion is a blanket term that entails diverse worldviews, including the Christian, Islam, Buddhist, Tibetan Buddhism, Jewish, Traditional African, and Hindu worldviews, among others. A worldview is a concept of how life should be and how people should lead their lives. It is an idea of what an ideal life looks like and how several aspects of living should interact with each other to ensure that human life prospers.

The Equality of All People and All Religions

All religions are equal, and all people are equal. All religions recognize a Supreme Being who is seen as the origin of all life and all of the universe. The variations in religions are only on the worldviews and doctrines of each religion and what it prioritizes or perceives as acceptable or unacceptable. Religion is part of human nature and human expression.