What is Conscious Decision-Making and How to Make Conscious Decisions Every Time

What is Decision Making?

Decision-making or the process or action of making decisions requires the decision-maker to be conscious and aware of the required decision and its consequences. Decisions can have varying consequences, and some can have less significant consequences while others can have far-reaching ones. The delicate balance between the decision and making it pragmatically can be a challenge, especially when there are underlying factors, including environmental and opposing factors.

How to Make Conscious Decisions

Conscious decision-making requires an environment that promotes efficacy and reflection or deliberation before, when, and after deciding. All these parts need to be navigated carefully, slowly, and also with deep thought. An excellent example is a decision such as how to administer a COVID-19 vaccine. Governments need to have clear and understood objectives, mechanisms, and budgets to get the vaccines needed effectively. When there lacks direction, or when the environment breeds corruption or greed, then not only will the needed decisions not be made or made correctly, but they will also have far-reaching and adverse consequences.

What decisions have you made that you feel have had far-reaching and negative consequences?

Why Conscious Decision-Making Should be a Process

Conscious decision-making should be a process and should be accompanied by adequate preparation, deliberation, and analysis. For instance, if a government provides aid to refugees, it needs to know what to give, how often to give it, and how to empower the refugees to fend for themselves. At the end of the day, decisions made around providing aid should be aimed at seeing the refugees come out of needing aid through empowerment.

How Naturalizing Immigrants Could be a Conscious Decision for Countries Dealing with a Surge in Immigration

An excellent way to empower them would be to provide citizenship, for instance, or a permit to work. As a result, they can find employment and fend for themselves, even if just to complement the aid provided. Naturalizing refugees can also ensure that they have a promising life beyond their home countries or where they immigrated from.

The Need for Effective Decision-Making in Business

The business sector is one of the most reliant sectors on decision-making. Executives and managers need to not only implement plans that are based on good decisions but also to create an environment that breeds effective decision-making. Decisions and the kind of decisions a business or entity makes are dependent on its objectives and goals. Therefore, having clear, understood, and appreciated goals can be the difference between making good and impactful decisions or good decisions that lack any goal-oriented impact.

The Mania Inc. Family Welcomes You

An excellent example is us, the Mania Inc. family. We felt that we needed other platforms, Mania News (www.maniaincnews.com) and Mania Sports (www.maniaincsports.com), as avenues to bring you informative and engaging news and sports news beyond our lifestyle and culture blog, Mania Inc. (www.maniainc.com). Consequently, we are now able to offer a fun, insightful, and captivating blog and informative and engaging news and sports news.

The Role of Technology in Conscious Decision Making

In terms of technology, the ability of technological systems to make decisions without the influence of emotions creates an edge in decision-making. The ability to make emotions-averse decisions allows technological systems consistency to make the same decision repeatedly, given the same input and choices. On the other hand, we humans lack that consistency as our decision-making can be and is, in most instances, affected by our emotions.

Is the Effect Emotions Have on Decision Making a Good Thing or is it a Bad Thing?

Depending on how you look at it, that can be a disadvantage or an advantage. In my view, it is an advantage. We have the ability to consider not only the logical aspects of decisions but also the emotional aspect. In comparison to technology, that is like seeing a whole new dimension of the decisions we make and their consequences. In this light, emotional decision-making is an advantage and an ability that only we humans possess. Technologies lack this ability, and that is the upper hand that we humans have over tech.

The Value of Learning from Decisions Made in the Past

The ability to make consistent decisions may evade us, but we have the ability to learn also. The fact that we humans can learn from decisions we made in the past, whose consequences we disliked, is an immeasurable gift. We have the ability to recognize and appreciate that certain decisions will most likely, and almost assuredly, have undesirable consequences.

The ability to make this distinction out of learning is priceless. We are who we are because we learn and can apply that learning as a factor to influence our decisions in the future. As the adage goes, once bitten, twice shy. Nonetheless, even with an appreciation for learning, we should always be happy to have learned in the first place, even if the experience was undesirable. Such an experience and learning from it are important lessons that form the basis or foundation of future decision-making.

How to Ensure Growth in Decision Making

In life, we grow by learning and allowing ourselves to be taught by what we experience. We are students of life as much as we are custodians of our lives. Life is a wonderful journey of self-discovery, learning, appreciation, and experience. All these come together to create our value systems, who we are, who we want to be, and who we don’t want to be.

Finding Ourselves Even When We Lose Our Footing

Knowing this allows us to become our best selves, regardless of what we have been through or are going through. Sometimes we lose our balance or footing, but the important thing is to have the ability to regain it back. The most important thing is that after being lost, we can find ourselves and who we are. Finding ourselves also refers to identifying with ourselves, as ourselves, and feeling that we are ideal as we are. We may be imperfect, but we are perfectly human.

The Experience of 2020 and What It Means for the Future Decision Making

2020 has been quite the year, and all of us have had quite a tough time this year. We are, however, stronger. We are better posed to deal with a crisis or a pandemic, and the knowledge and experience gained could only have been acquired by going through the COVID-19 pandemic.

The future is unknown, but we are a tested and proven species. We can overcome, and it is by God’s grace that we have come this far. Some, if not most, of us have lost someone, a friend, a family member, a partner, or just someone we knew this year. Some of us have lost jobs, relationships, mortgages, and so much more. Nonetheless, the most important thing is not to lose ourselves. We remain who we are, come rain or shine, because God has blessed us to be our best selves.