What are the Dangers of Dating a Married Man?

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Sometimes we veer off the right path and sometimes a lady will find themselves considering dating a married man. One may also end up dating a married man just by chance or even by not knowing that their boyfriend is married. As such, we got thinking... what are the dangers of dating a married man?

Who Qualifies as a Married Man?

A married man is a man who is legally married to a spouse and they are together and probably have children. He may be a promiscuous man who decides to date and cheat on his wife and as a lady, you may end up with such a man, whether knowingly or unknowingly.

The Dangers of Dating a Married Man

The following are the dangers of dating a married man.

Bad Karma

The biggest danger of dating a married man is the bad karma you attract. Remember that this man is married and has a wife and kids and you wrecking their marriage will not bode well in terms of the karma you'll be attracting. Even though it is the choice of the man to date while married, you shouldn't be the one he's using to cheat on his wife. Be empathetic and ask yourself: how would I feel if my husband cheated on me and dated someone else while we are married?

Unwanted Pregnancies

Unwanted pregnancies are another danger of dating a married man. A married man already has familial responsibilities and when you date him and get pregnant, he may not be willing or able to be there for you as a husband should. He may also not be willing or able to be there for your child. Consequently, you may end up undertaking several abortions for a man who could just one day up and leave and go back to his wife and kids. You surely don't want that.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infections

Dating a married man and someone who has multiple sexual partners, i.e, you and his wife, is likely to expose you to sexually transmitted diseases and infections. His wife could be having a condition or infection that may show no symptoms and by you sleeping with her husband, catch the same infection. In rare cases, you may be exposed to life-threatening diseases and viruses such as HIV. You do not want that.

The Shame of Being Regarded a 'Homewrecker'

Another danger of dating a married man is the shame that comes with being regarded as a homewrecker. Your reputation may be dragged through the mud and you may suffer a lot of emotional turmoil just because you decided to date a married man. It is not worth it and he is not worth all the shame that the whole situation will bring to you. A reputation of being a homewrecker could ruin your entire life and seep into other parts of your life such as your career.

The Guilt of Dating Someone Else's Husband

Guilt is another danger of dating a married man. When you get involved with a married man, you'll naturally feel guilt knowing that you are wrecking someone else's marriage and relationship. Unfortunately, the guilt gets worse the longer you stay in the relationship and the best way to get rid of it is to get yourself outside the relationship.

The Fear of Confrontation with His Wife

Perhaps the most unstated danger of dating a married man is the fear of being confronted by his wife. Chances are that the man's wife will know that he is having an affair and she'll do everything she can to find out who he's cheating on her with. That would be you, unfortunately, and you can be almost certain that she'll confront you. The fear of this happening can be very stressful and unsettling and you may spend the entire duration of the relationship always anticipating for it to happen. You don't deserve that.

Being Treated Like the 'Other'

Another danger of dating a married man is that he'll likely treat you as an option or as the 'other'. You'll never really be first on his list of priorities and he'll most certainly prioritize his wife before you. I don't think you deserve to be treated like an option and I'd advise you to get out of the relationship and find yourself a single eligible bachelor to date, and possibly get married to.


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