What a Brand Collaboration with Mania Inc. Would Mean for Your Business

As a content creator myself, I am eager and willing to work with like-minded individuals, companies, brands, and organizations to market products and services in a way that expresses their positive impact on the lives of consumers.

What a Brand Collaboration with Mania Inc. Would Mean for Your Business

Brand collaborations are an integral part of how bloggers, vloggers, and content creators can assist companies and organizations in marketing their products to consumers. The β€˜influencer’ phenomenon allows brands to reach consumers in personal and relatable ways through influencers with who they collaborate within brand collaborations.

My Journey - David Mania

As a content creator myself, I am eager and willing to work with like-minded individuals, companies, brands, and organizations to market products and services in a way that expresses their positive impact on the lives of consumers. Advertising and marketing should not only be about pushing products and services to as many people as possible, as in consumerism. Advertising and marketing should be tailored to have and illuminate the positive impact that the products and services would have once purchased.


As a young individual, I am very keen to have well-stipulated and clear goals for the brand collaborations I would possibly take part in. I love my audience, and I would not shove products and services their way insensibly without indicating and illustrating the positive impact of the products. I do not believe in just doing something for money, and I am unmotivated by monetary or financial gains.

I crave positive impact. I live for it, and I would only go into a brand collaboration seeking to touch the hearts and minds of my audience with the products I market to them. I love money, don’t get me wrong, but I love having a positive impact even more. Therefore, I will seek to have as much positive impact as I can or as is possible for one lifetime, including in the brand collaborations I enter, as I am very much against consumerism.

Shared Passion

Brand collaborations, for me, necessitate a mutual appreciation of having a positive impact and the sharing of standpoints on what it means to have a positive impact on the world. There are millions, if not billions, of products and services out there. From a personal standpoint, I would only collaborate with brands or companies that share my belief that products and services should mean something to those who purchase and use, or enjoy them. Why sell me a can of soda if you do not believe that it will brighten my day?

Impactful Customer Buy In

Why would anyone spend their hard-earned money to purchase something that the seller themselves has not bought into? For impactful consumer buy-in, brands and companies should do all they can to sell the idea behind the product and the positive impact on those who purchase it. On my part, as a brand collaborator, my role would be to explain the said idea and to show the positive impact that the products and services would have.

What is Mania Inc.?

Mania Inc. is a family of blogs that includes the following. David Mania – www.davidmania.com – Upcoming Musician and Blogger, Mania Inc. – www.maniainc.com – Lifestyle and Culture Blog, Mania News –www.maniaincnews.com – Informative and Engaging News, and Mania Sports – www.maniaincsports.com – Informative and Engaging Sports News. Each of the four blogs has its own Instagram and Twitter accounts, and they each have a Facebook page.

Our Value Proposition

With a brand collaboration with me, David Mania, and Mania Inc., the four blogs, brands, and companies have the opportunity to positively market their products and services with the goal and objective of having and illuminating the positive impact that said offerings would have on consumers, their lifestyles, and lives.

An Organic Audience

My audience is a blessing to me and is not just eyes and ears for my content. They are people who have come to love what I do, what it means to them and the world, and the positive impact that my work has on their daily lives. Therefore, my audience is my everything, and I accord them the greatest respect for supporting me in the various ways that they do.

I could not be blogging, vlogging, or creating content or music had it not been for them. They motivate me and inspire me every day to do all I can to deliver good, fun, insightful, intriguing, positive, and high-quality content.

Brand Representation Fees

The brand collaboration rates for working with me and the Mania Inc. family are as follows. We have split our offerings into numerous categories or packages, and these include the deluxe, gold, silver, bronze, and budget packages as follows.

Brand Representation Fees:

$1,000 for the deluxe package – four blog posts (one on each of the four blogs) + 4 social media posts (each on the four social accounts for each social networking site (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter) or four on the David Mania (@daviemania accounts) + one IGTV video on @daviemania + one YouTube video or review.

$500 for the gold package – one blog post + one social media post (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter) + one YouTube video or review.

$400 for the silver package – one blog post + one social media post + one IGTV video. Alternatively, one YouTube video + one social media post + one IGTV video.

$300 for the bronze package – one blog post + one social media post. Alternatively, one YouTube video + one social media post.

$200 for the budget package – one blog post or one YouTube video.

Disclaimer: Each package attracts a license fee of $50 and a marketing fee of $100.

These rates are negotiable and subject to change over time or when brand representation deliverables are changed, added, or altered. The rates are also exclusive of tax.

Our Mission: Positive Impact

Mania Inc. is a fast-growing brand, and we are very excited to work with like-minded individuals, brands, companies, and businesses. We love what we do and are very keen to impact the world as possible positively. For a brand collaboration with us, please contact us. We are very eager and willing to collaborate with those with who we share a passion for positive impact.

We appreciate what it takes to grow a brand and start a business from the ground up. We love engaging with companies and brands to share ideas on how our content, products, services, and offerings can be better positioned to impact people who consume them positively.