Uncovering the Dark Side of Gold: The Illegal Trade, Money Laundering, and Lack of Transparency in Africa and Beyond

The "Gold Mafia" documentary series highlights the significant harm caused by illegal gold mining and the trade in Africa and other parts of the world.

Uncovering the Dark Side of Gold: The Illegal Trade, Money Laundering, and Lack of Transparency in Africa and Beyond

The illegal trade of gold has been a significant issue in Africa and other parts of the world for decades, causing significant harm to both human life and the environment. Recently, Al Jazeera released a two-part documentary series, "Gold Mafia," which delves into the murky world of illegal gold trade and its links to money laundering and other illegal activities.

Gold Mafia: The Illegal Gold Trade in Africa

The first part of the documentary, "Gold Mafia - Episode 1 - The Laundry Service," investigates the illegal gold trade in Africa, particularly in Zimbabwe. The documentary reveals that the trade is worth billions of dollars annually and exposes the human and environmental costs of illegal gold mining and smuggling. You can watch part one of the documentary below.

The Human and Environmental Cost of Illegal Gold Mining

Illegal gold mining often takes place in dangerous conditions and has led to numerous deaths and injuries. The documentary shows that miners, including children, work long hours in dangerous conditions, often without protective gear, and are paid very little for their work. Additionally, the environmental impact of illegal gold mining is significant, as it can lead to the destruction of natural habitats and water sources.