U.S. President Joe Biden Pulls Out of November Elections and Endorses Kamala Harris

U.S. President Joe Biden has announced that he will not contest for re-election this November. In a letter posted on X, Biden said his decision was "in the best interest of my party and the country".

Biden endorsed U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democrat ticket and will serve out his term. His decision to pull out of the presidential race comes shortly after he contracted COVID-19 a second time.

Joe Biden will now go down in history as one of the most profound presidents the country has ever had, despite only serving for one term.

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Kamala is a fantastic candidate for the Democrats and unlike Biden, she has all the odds going for her. Kamala will make a good opponent to Trump and it looks like America will have its first female President very soon.

Did Joe Biden Do the Right Thing By Pulling Out of the Presidential Race?

Yes. I believe that Biden has done the right thing by pulling out of the presidential race. Despite being a phenomenal president, Joe Biden had all the odds stacked against him. One, he is 81 years old, way too old and frail to participate in a presidential race against a younger and more energetic Donald Trump. As I had opined a few days back, had Joe Biden continued his re-election bid, he would have risked a second Democrat loss to Trump, as even the polls said he was the weaker candidate.

Thank You, Joe Biden. Next Please! Why I Think Joe Biden Should Retire
Reasons why I think Joe Biden should retire and save the Democrats another embarrassing loss to Trump

Read more on my reasons for calling for Joe Biden to retire

Who Will Be the Next President of America?

The next president of America will be the man or woman who will manage to encapture the hearts and confidence of Americans. Kamala Harris, now the likely Democrat nominee, will need to give the presidential race everything she has, as Trump is polling quite strongly.

On the other hand, Donald Trump has just been thrown his biggest curveball this election cycle. Even as Biden's withdrawal from the race may seem like a win for him, Kamala is a much more dangerous candidate to his presidential aspirations. She is an astute, heated critic of his policies who has a background in law, as she was previously a prosecutor. A girl interviewed Kamala about her experience as VP in the video below.

So, I dare say, that the next president of the United States will be the first female president, Her Excellency President [to be] Kamala Harris.

Trump Responds to Joe Biden's Withdrawal from the Presidential Race

Trump responded to the news, saying that Joe Biden was "the worst president in the history of the United States" and that he should have " never been there in the first place" [Source: NBC News]. His son, Trump Jr. said the following about Biden's withdrawal from the race.

Trump Jr. even took a shot at Ukraine with the following X Post.

The post hinted at a stop to America's aid to Ukraine to help defend themselves in the war against Russia.

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