Trump Shot: Inside Foiled Trump Assassination Attempt

Trump was shot in a foiled assassination attempt against the former president

Trump Shot: Inside Foiled Trump Assassination Attempt
Trump was shot in a foiled assassination attempt. Source: Reuters.

Republican Presidential Candidate and Former President Donald Trump was the target of an assassination attempt by a lone gunman while attending a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. The former president was addressing the crowd when shots rang out. A bleeding Trump was then quickly whisked away to a nearby car by his security detail.

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Inside Foiled Trump Assassination Attempt: Trump Shot on His Right Ear

Trump was then seen to hold his right ear before the Secret Service quickly swooped in, instructed the former president to lie down, and covered him. Another shot rang out and a woman was heard screaming.

A photo of Trump taking cover moments after being shot | Trump Shot | Mania Africa
A photo of Trump taking cover moments after being shot. NYT Photographer Doug Mills took the iconic photo. Source: Doug Mills/NYT.

Moments later, someone shouted "Shooter down! Shooter down!" giving the Secret Service a chance to whisk a visibly bleeding Trump away into a nearby car.

Trump Shooting: Iconic Photo of Trump Raising His Fist in a Show of Defiance

Trump didn't immediately respond to orders to start moving but instead asked his security detail to let him get his shoes. After that was done, he then went "Wait!...Wait!" and took a moment to raise his right fist in defiance shouting "Fight! Fight!".

He then repeated the gesture as he was being moved to the vehicle.

Former President Donald Trump raises his right fist in defiance after a foiled assassination attempt against him | Trump Assassination Attempt | Mania News
Former President Donald Trump raises his right fist in defiance after a foiled assassination attempt against him. Source: HT.

Trump Assassination Attempt: Trump Shooter Gunned Down

Former US President Donald Trump's shooter was gunned down, by the Secret Service, following a foiled Trump assassination attempt. The shooter, who managed to shoot Trump in the ear, was quickly put down, with the Former President only glazed by the bullet in his right ear.

The shooter was brandishing a rifle and was quickly shot in the head by the Secret Service. He had, however, shot and killed one individual by then and seriously injured another. A good Samaritan emergency department physician shared his account of what happened, as he tried to help the shot individual.

Who Shot Trump?: Identity of the Man Behind Trump Shooting Revealed by the FBI

The FBI later revealed the identity of the shooter as Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. The authorities are still trying to establish the motive behind the foiled assassination attempt with investigations ongoing.

Trump Spokesperson: Trump is Safe and Recovering

Trump's spokesperson later shared that he was fine, safe, and recovering. The news came as a huge relief after a lot of speculation on whether Trump had actually been shot and where.

Trump Statement Following Assassination Attempt

Trump himself later took to social media to share that he was fine and offered his condolences to the family of the one person killed. He also wished a quick recovery to the person injured.

Trump also confirmed the lone gunman had been put down and thanked the Secret Service. He also said that he'd been "shot by a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear" and "much bleeding took place."

Is What’s Happening to Trump Karma?
or is the law just late and slow?

Read our post questioning whether what's been happening to Trump is Karma

President Biden and Obama Wish Trump a Quick Recovery

President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama joined numerous other political figures in wishing Trump a quick recovery. President Biden released a statement on X saying, "I'm grateful to hear that he's safe and doing well. I'm praying for him and his family and for all those who were at the rally.."

Obama, in a statement released on X, went on to say, "There is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy." He then added, "we should all be relieved that former President Trump wasn't seriously hurt, and use this moment to recommit ourselves to civility and respect in our politics..."

Trump Supporters Decry Lapses in Security that Led to Trump's Assassination Attempt

Trump supporters have decried lapses in security that led to the assassination attempt against the former US president. Only four American presidents have been assassinated in history, and they say Trump should not be the 5th.

Trump supporters have been up in arms since the news broke, calling on better security facilitation for Trump.

What is Trumpism?
Donald Trump is a hateful leader. He is an uninformed, unqualified, and incapable leader.

Find out what is Trumpism here

Witness Account: Trump Shooter Spotted Minutes Before Shooting

A video was shared on X showing a witness who reported having spotted the gunman crawling on a nearby roof minutes before shots rang out. The man said he had informed the police and Secret Service but was ignored. The man even said that he'd been pointing at the Trump shooter for a few minutes trying to show the police where he was.

Follow us on Twitter for updates on the unfolding situation.

Elon Musk Endorses Trump for President 2024 Following Reports that He Donated to Trump's Campaign

Billionaire Elon Musk has openly endorsed Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign for the first time. Musk shared his support of Trump 2024 on X saying, "I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery" a while after Donald Trump was shot. The announcement comes days after Elon, reportedly, donated to one of Trump's campaign's collection points.

Elon also called for the resignation of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and Trump's entire security detail. In a now-deleted X Post, Elon Musk said, "So before being put in charge of protecting the PRESIDENT, she was guarding bags of Cheetos …"