The Ultra Black Photoshoot

‘Ultra Black’ is the name of this photoshoot that I went to with my friends yesterday. I decided to do a shoot to commemorate Valentine’s Day and do it as a single person would. I wore all black, a well-cut black suit with a black shirt and black brogues, so much for ‘Oxfords, not brogues,’ from the Kingsman movie.

I felt that I needed to appreciate myself and my journey so far, despite all the hurdles I have faced and respectfully, all the hurdles we all have faced in the last year. Ultra Black was a photoshoot to celebrate love, loss, moving on, and finding peace. It was my hurrah at beating the terrible circumstances that befell the world last year and the pain and anguish they caused all of us.


Ultra Black is my small retaliation for the circumstances that I now find myself in being near the Valentine’s period. Some would say it is an unkind finger to life and the various trials and tribulations that I have faced. I believe that we are meant to be happy and to succeed, and even if we fail, we fail as part of the journey of success.

In other words, we fail to succeed but never succeed to fail. I lost my job and my girlfriend in 2020, but I am elated to be alive, healthy, and jovial. I am happy for the growth that the terrible year brought with it and the toughness it instilled in me and all of us. You never know that you can stay in the house for more than a week until a lockdown is imposed, and I feel like we all got to experience that.


I have never and never will be a complainer. I live my life as is and as I am, and I won’t dwell on the whatnots. For me, the motto is to hell with the past and welcome to the future. Whatever I lost was meant to be lost, and through losing it, I will find what I want and succeed in finding what I am seeking. It is important to understand that nothing just happens, and nothing comes out of nothing. All that I say I lost must have been lost for me to get where I am today.

You cannot throw a coin in a wishing well and mourn for its loss. Sometimes you have to give to get, especially when you manifest what you want and are very clear about how you want it. Therefore, My Epic Heartbreak is just that; a heartbreak. Losing my job gave me this one, and I would lie if I said I would ever want it back. I lost my job to find my purpose, and today, I am so happy to have finally realized that blogging was the way to go.

Loss Not Sorry

If I had not lost my online writing job, I would still be relying on someone to pay me a salary for work that I will not be credited for. I would still be helping someone else create their empire without one of my own. Therefore, I would now say that I would lose the job a thousand times over to be where I am today. The happiness I have felt even after heartbreak is worth going through a thousand heartbreaks.

I say that boldly and respectfully, without a care in the world. I have no regrets at all. I feel like whatever was lost is something I could have given, if asked, to get what I have now. That is why this photoshoot was named Ultra Black. It represents darkness, loss, grief, and pain, but also boldness. That is why black is ultra. Follow us on Instagram for more.

Dark Clouds

The shoot was amazing, and I felt so lucky to have had the opportunity to go for a shoot despite the folly weather. My friend Kevin took the pictures. We also had a newly found friend Karen who kept us company and tried to snap a few shots. It went far better than expected, and the pictures came out just grand.

The Ultra Black shoot brought out the fire of being young, always holding your head up and, sometimes, putting the unkind finger up when life tries to mess with you. I would hate to sound arrogant, but sometimes, it is better to be honest than to be loved; It is better to seem rude than to lie and be liked for niceness. Here are some of the amazing pictures.

David Mania Photography

The pictures are part of David Mania Photography, and I am very excited to share more and more content with you. I am looking forward to also receiving more entries for the 1000 Portraits project. I am also excited to announce that I’ll be rebooting my YouTube channel soon, and I will do my best to create as much video content as possible.

I will do my best to ensure that I create quality content and content that is relevant. Moreover, I want to create content that represents my authentic views. In the meantime, you can find our videos here. We appreciate your support and would love to hear your views on this blog’s creative direction. Please reach us on our contact us page.