The Man From Toronto Movie Review

The Man from Toronto is a 2022 action-comedy movie that stars Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson. Kevin Hart plays Teddy, a loser who ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time and Woody Harrelson plays The Man from Toronto, a mysterious hitman and bad guy who is good at extracting information.

‘Teddying It’

Teddy has a sh*t life. He barely comes up with a sensible idea for a business and is in debt. Nothing he works on seems to work, except his marriage. He is such a loser that his wife’s friends and colleagues coin the phrase ‘Teddying It’ which means making something go to sh*t. It’s that bad.

The Cabin

Teddy decides to have a getaway with his wife for her birthday. He books a cabin and they head out for their romantic weekend cum birthday weekend. He leaves his wife Lori, played by Jasmine Matthews, at a spa and heads out to get things started at the cabin.

No Toner

Since Teddy didn’t even care to put toner in the printer, the reservation document he printed isn’t clear and he can’t clearly see the address to their cabin. He mixes it up, ‘teddyies it’ and ends up in the wrong cabin; a cabin where The Man from Toronto is expected to show up for some ‘enhanced interrogation’.

The Man from Toronto

The thugs in the cabin think Teddy is The Man from Toronto and they quickly put him to work to extract some information from a guy they’ve kidnapped. Teddy plays along and the guy being tortured gives out the info. At this point, the real Man from Toronto is just getting there and discovers that there is an imposter. He sets out to find and terminate this imposter.

Agents on Raid

The FBI raids the cabin and they hitch out a plan to have Teddy pose as The Man from Toronto. He laments about his wife’s birthday weekend and the FBI agents hitch out a plan to take care of that; alleging to his wife that one of Teddy’s sh*t ideas worked out and a client wants to meet him. Therefore, his wife will be taken on a shopping spree and they’ll later meet for dinner at a fancy hotel in DC.

Puerto Rico and Mr. Green

Teddy meets up with the criminal mastermind’s wife, as he is now thought to be The Man from Toronto, and is quickly ushered to a plane to Puerto Rico. He is expected to extract some information from another guy; specifically, a guy named Mr. Green there. However, the real Man from Toronto intercepts him and forces him to continue impersonating him and extract the info needed so that he [the real Man from Toronto] could get paid. There is, however, another hitman sent; The Man from Miami, whose mission is to take them both out.

The Man from Toronto isn’t that Bad at All, Sometimes

As things turn out, The Man from Toronto isn’t as evil as we think he is. It turns out that he wasn’t going to go through with a plan to provide codes for a bomb. Teddy still has to impersonate him to meet the criminal mastermind but he wasn’t going to give the boss the actual codes anyway. The bombing is averted but Teddy has likely foiled his marriage after leaving his wife stranded at the restaurant. He seems to have Teddyied his marriage.


The Man from Toronto has a Debora tattoo. Debora first appears to be his handler but we later discover that it is his car. Debora is a 1969 Dodge Charger R/T 440. The Man from Toronto is obsessed with the black car and has named it. Teddy, however, ‘Teddyies’ the car, and The Man from Toronto isn’t happy about it. He is livid.


The Man from Toronto challenges Teddy to be a better man and go after his dreams. Teddy challenges him to do the same and to stop being scared of pursuing his dreams. Apparently, The Man from Toronto is into being a chef and fine dining, and something also finally works out for Teddy. Forget his sh*t ideas about ‘non-contact boxing’, he ends up having a gym with an online class. He nearly Teddyies his marriage but things work out in the end and Lori stays.

Our Rating

The Man from Toronto is a hilarious movie. The humor is natural and the action is pretty sick i.e. it’s really good. The movie, however, uses a lot of CGI and special effects and these are apparent. Even so, they are done pretty well making the movie a good action movie with very intense action sequences. We loved it and give it an 8/10. It seems Netflix didn’t Teddy this one. ;)