The Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Dementia

Medical doctors may diagnose dementia but not its type, and to acquire the needed specification, patients may need to see specialists

The Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Dementia

What is Dementia?

The term dementia refers to numerous conditions that lead to abnormal changes in the brain. It got previously referred to as senility, which incorrectly suggests that great mental decline is a part of the process of aging.

How is Dementia Treated?

There is no single treatment for the condition, and there is a need for increased participation in clinical studies and funding for research. The current treatments for the disease rely on its causative factors. These include non-drug therapies that alleviate several dementia symptoms. In other instances, treatments for Alzheimer’s get employed to treat different kinds of dementia.

How is Dementia Diagnosed?

Medical doctors may diagnose dementia but not its type, and to acquire the needed specification, patients may need to see specialists such as Geropsychologists or neurologists. It is difficult to determine or specify the type of dementia as the brain changes and symptoms of numerous kinds of the condition may overlap. However, doctors can determine the presence of the disease with increased certainty levels.

The Causes of Dementia

Even as numerous brain changes caused by the disease worsen over time and are permanent, memory, and thinking issues caused by the following may improve on addressing or treating the health condition. These include vitamin deficiencies, thyroid issues, excess alcohol consumption, the side effects of medication, and depression. Varied types of the disease get linked with certain types of cell damage to brain cells located in particular parts of the brain.

What is Vascular Dementia?

Numerous other conditions can cause dementia symptoms, including vitamin deficiencies and thyroid problems, which are reversible. The second most common cause of dementia becomes characterized by the blockage of blood vessels in the brain and microscopic bleeding. It gets referred to as vascular dementia. The term dementia is a blanket term that covers numerous and varied specific medical conditions.