The Beauty of Picnicking and How to Do It Right

Picnicking or taking part in a picnic can be one of the most calming ways to spend some time with a loved one. Setting some time apart to relax and share a meal in the open air can be beneficial in terms of health and mindfulness, especially now, as the world deals with the COVID-19 pandemic. As circumstances and the situation may seem untenable, it is advisable to take a breather and do something less strenuous for a change.

The Scenery of Picnicking

Picnicking can be done anywhere with fresh air, grass, a place to sit, and a tranquil or scenic environment. Such spaces are increasingly rare, especially in urban centers, and this makes them more precious. Urbanization, immigration, and rural-to-urban migration have exacerbated the increase of urban populations, much to the detriment of spaces and parks for relaxation. There lacks enough relaxation or leisure spaces or parks in urban centers worldwide due to these cities or towns being densely populated.

Picnicking as a Way to Get Away from the Hustle and Bustle of the City

Huge populations mean that there is more pollution, noise, and less calm or fresh air. The result is that, over time, more and more people have a hard time finding locations or spaces where they can get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and relax.

The Health and Mindfulness Benefits of Picnicking

Leisure for different cultures and societies is varied. However, picnicking is a common way individuals can share some time and enjoy scenic, calming, or relaxing spaces and environments. There is something about listening to the trees sway in the wind or hearing bird songs that is very relaxing. From a health and mindfulness perspective, taking such time and such an environment can have huge positive impacts on mental health, wellness, and relaxation.

Picnicking as Part of a Healthy Work-Life Balance

No one should overwork themselves or work too much or too long to not have some time to take a breather. The ability and will to balance work and leisure are just as important as working. A work-life balance entails innate and self-willed leisure that recognizes the importance and need for relaxation.

Planning for a Picnic: What You Need for a Successful Picnic

Picnicking should be planned for and facilitated to ensure that it is an overall relaxing experience. Planning for a picnic entails having provisions. These include a blanket or kanga to sit on, a basket or 'Kiondo' to carry some food in, and a location where the environment is calm, less noisy, and surrounded by nature.

How to Pack Your Meal When Going for a Picnic

To add more meaning to the experience, let the meal carried be a healthy one. It would be counteractive to seek health and mindfulness in a picnic while partaking in an unhealthy or inorganic meal.

Organic living complements health and mindfulness and vice versa. In this light, picnicking should entail healthy meals and drinks such as plant-based meats and yogurt drinks. The more healthy the picnic, the more the health and mindfulness benefits.

When was the last time you had a picnic?

Social Distancing Considerations while Picnicking

In the current COVID-19 pandemic, picnicking should be done as per local social distancing regulations. Please be mindful of these regulations to avoid fines or reprieve from the authorities.

COVID-19 Safety Precautions while Picnicking

It is recommended that you keep at least a one-meter social distance from who you are picnicking with and wear your facemask when not eating or drinking. Moreover, I think it would also help ensure that the meal shared and the plates, cups, or spoons used are separated beforehand, to ensure that everyone only touches their food or the utensils that they will use themselves.

Picnicking as a Way to Safely get Outside the House During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This way, you can avoid spreading COVID-19 and also ensure proper hygiene while picnicking. A by-product of the current pandemic and ensuing lockdown is that more and more urban spaces are secluded, and this means that it is the opportune time to go to a park nearby and have a picnic. Ensure that you picnic mindfully and in adherence to COVID-19 regulations. Now more than ever, we should all be responsible to ourselves and others as we try to mitigate the spread of coronavirus.

The Mental Health Benefits of Picnicking

Picnicking can be a simple, safe, and less costly way to share some time with a loved one and relax. It refreshes the mind, and one can catch up with loved ones or friends while taking some time off work. It can also be a way to share one’s experiences during the lockdown and to talk with someone else about the current situation and give each other hope.

Picnicking as a Way to Spend Quality Time with Friends and Family

There has been loneliness resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, and having a picnic can help individuals share some time with loved ones and friends. In the current unideal circumstances, talking to others and sharing one’s problems with others can help alleviate the depression one might be facing due to the pandemic and lockdown. Having a conversation and sharing can also ensure that one does not keep any problems or issues to themselves and potentially suffer a meltdown.

Picnicking as a Way of Cushioning a Meltdown in the COVID-19 Era

Picnicking can be a way to cushion a meltdown and foster hope for better days ahead. It can also help individuals help others and encourage them not to let the pandemic or its effects, including the lockdown, depress them or make them feel repressed.

Picnicking as a Way to Curb Repression from Stringent COVID-19 Regulation

Repression and the feeling like one is being oppressed, or restrained can result from confusion, overly stringent regulations from the government, and unclear pandemic rules and regulations. When possible, one should take some time and have a picnic within the set pandemic rules and regulations. Source information on COVID-19 rules and regulations from the proper sources, and avoid misinformation or confusion on what you can and cannot do during the pandemic.

The Fatigue of Telecommuting in the COVID-19 Era

Picnicking ensures that one gets some fresh air and also some sunlight. Being in lockdown for months has meant that most of us have spent time indoors while not having enough sunlight every day. Therefore, a picnic would be an opportunity to go out, get some fresh air and sunlight, and spend some time with a loved one. A picnic is something that would make a world of difference in the current pandemic and lockdown. We should all find and utilize opportunities to relax and allow ourselves some time off work and working.

Picnicking as a Way to Get Out of the House and Take Some Time Away from Telecommuting

Even working from home can be strenuous, and picnicking can be a way to get out of the house and take some time away from telecommuting. Taking constant breaks after every thirty minutes of virtual work can be another way to ensure relaxation and avoid strain. The use of technologies for lengthy periods at a time can lead to eye strain and exhaustion.

Ensuring Dexterity and Proper Ergonomics While Working at Home

Finding proper ways to sit and position oneself in relation to the computer can be a way to ensure that one improves their dexterity and ergonomics. These and many other ways, including picnicking, will be crucial in facilitating telecommuting and its role in the future of work. Enjoy your picnic when you do get the opportunity to have one, stay safe, and wear your facemask.