Thank You, Joe Biden. Next Please! Why I Think Joe Biden Should Retire

Reasons why I think Joe Biden should retire and save the Democrats another embarrassing loss to Trump

Thank You, Joe Biden. Next Please! Why I Think Joe Biden Should Retire
Joe Biden should retire but with our utmost respect and gratitude. Source: Sky.

Thank You, Joe Biden. Next Please! Joe Biden has recently contracted COVID-19 at probably the worst time. Trump, who's capitalizing on a recent assassination attempt against him, is beating him in the polls and if the Democrats are to retain the U.S. presidency, I think Joe Biden should retire. Here's why.

Trump Shot: Inside Foiled Trump Assassination Attempt
Trump was shot in a foiled assassination attempt against the former president

Joe Biden Contracts COVID-19 for the Second Time

Joe Biden went down with COVID-19 yesterday and is currently receiving medical attention. According to the doctors, his condition is not bad but again, at 81 years old, things can go south very very quickly. Joe Biden also recently sent out a tweet on X, now popularly referred to as 'the Joe Biden I'm sick tweet' but not referring to what you think it does.

Thank You, Joe Biden. Next Please! Why I Think Joe Biden Should Retire

I think it is time Joe Biden retired and enjoyed his golden age at Camp David. No one should be working when sick and that senior in their life. Sometimes, despite being the most qualified candidate for something, human nature does not allow us to take on that role. Here's why I think he should retire and not contest in the 2024 general election.

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Joe Biden's Health is Too Unpredictable

Joe Biden's health is too unpredictable, I think. Contracting COVID does not only compromise one's health and immune system in the present, but they are also at risk of 'Long COVID'. During such an occurrence, the individual can be very vulnerable to contracting respiratory illness and infection, making it all the more dangerous to keep straining oneself with work. Contracting it a second time is just bonkers.

In Biden's case, there's just no need to be working the most important job in the world with health that is more likely than not to fail. Due to his age also, as a senior citizen, his health could go south anytime and if he is president when that happens, that could throw the country into disarray.

Joe Biden's Age

In all honesty and with the utmost respect, Joe Biden is too old to be president. He's actually very old given that he is 3 years older than Trump, who also is quite old. In Kenya, one should retire at the reasonable age of 60. The rationale behind this is that retiring at this age creates employment opportunities for the young and energetic.

There is, therefore, no reason for Joe Biden not to leave the top job to be contested by someone with a lot of energy and vitality. Biden has been seen to literally fall a few times, and as much as it is nothing to laugh about, it is a sign that the time has come for him to rest.

There is Nothing Funny about Joe Biden’s Fall
So don’t be rude and laugh…

Biden has Been in Politics Too Long

Despite being a source of priceless legislative experience and boosting his qualification fit for being president, Biden has been in politics too long. He's spent many decades in a political seat in one form or the other. In fact, Biden has been on the political scene since 1973 when he first became the senator for Delaware. You can imagine that that was 51 years ago.

President Ronald Reagan | The Reagan Era is long gone and the America of then is a shadow of the past | Thank You, Biden. Next Please! | Mania Politics
The Reagan Era is long gone and the America of then is a shadow of the past. Photo by Library of Congress / Unsplash

Biden has been in too long politics that, I dare say, he's too engrained in the old way of U.S. politics that he may not see what the country needs in its president in the present day. Try to think of it this way, Biden is cultured in a certain old-fashioned way in U.S. politics but to be honest, the America of the Reagan Era is worlds away from today's America. As such, it would just be better if Joe Biden retired and left the Democratic ticket to someone with fresher ideas - someone who better understands the new world and the problems Americans face in their day-to-day lives.

Biden is an Easy Target for Criticism

In the current political scene in America, Joe Biden is exceedingly an easy target for criticism. He lacks a certain 'Cool Factor' that Trump exudes so easily. Today's voters want a president they can relate to and one they feel is a 'cool' guy. This swagger is part of why Obama was such a good candidate for the Democrats. He had this 'cool guy' vibe that everyone could relate to.

What are Vibes and Why You Should Catch a Vibe
It is the Bonnie and Clyde kind of feeling, an innate soul-deep connection between two people.

Read more about vibes and why you should catch a vibe here

Biden, however, represents old age, sorry to say, to many voters and they inadvertently relate that with the America of old. As such, Biden is left very open to criticism, even without provoking it with any action. This is also due to scandals involving his son Hunter Biden that also paint a bad image of him. The people, in my view, also see Biden as part of privileged America and that is something that doesn't align with their worldview.

A protestor wielding a not-so-kind placard | Why I Think Joe Biden Should Retire | Mania Africa
A protestor wielding a not-so-kind placard. Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR / Unsplash

Biden's Poor Polling Against Trump

Joe Biden has been polling poorly against Trump recently, with some polls rating Trump as 57% popular and likely to win this year's election. Such poor polling for a Democratic candidate - this close to the election - should be a big enough sign that the party needs someone else to better their chances at victory. If the polls are to be believed, then Trump will defeat Biden and we all know the sh*tshow that will unleash for an entire four years. And we do know Trumpism could and has delivered Trump the vote.

What is Trumpism?
Donald Trump is a hateful leader. He is an uninformed, unqualified, and incapable leader.

Even if just to save face and the stature of his legacy, Biden should retire and not risk being defeated by Trump. If it were a Clinton on the other side, then he could wing it but to be unseated after a single term by Trump? Biden does not need to risk that. In my view, he's done his part and served his country with a lot of patriotism, and stoically but he needs to step down.

A MAGA hat| Is America ready for a second term of Trump's presidency? | Thank You, Joe Biden. Next Please! Why I Think Joe Biden Should Retire | Mania Opinion
Is America ready for a second term of Trump's presidency? Photo by Natilyn Photography / Unsplash

Democrats Need a More Charismatic and Lively Candidate

Another reason why I think Biden should resign is that I feel that Democrats need a more charismatic and lively leader. You know the way Trump is able to capture a crowd, tell them lies, and then have a roar of cheer follow his every word? Democrats need a candidate who can evoke such emotion and support. There's no point denying that today's politics require showmanship and charm. Why else do you think Trump picked J.D Vance to be his running mate? Voters are more informed than they have ever been before, and the media's scrutiny of would-be elected leaders is very intense.

Trump Nominates J.D Vance as His Running Mate During the RNC
Analyzing why Trump picked J.D Vance as his running mate

Read more on why Trump picked J.D Vance to be his Vice Presidential candidate

Therefore, instead of letting the left go down with his presidency, Joe Biden should consider retiring, giving time to the Democrats to find someone who has more charm and is more of a lively character. The person they pick could save them the embarrassment of another loss to Trump, and give voters something to excite and entice them to join and vote for the left. This is absolutely necessary in these unpredictable times that are characterized by voter suppression and the marginalization of black and minority voters.

Biden Doesn't Recognize that America is Changing

In my humble and respectful view, Joe Biden doesn't recognize that America is changing. The America of today is extremely polarized and the politics of the country have become so divisive that conspiracy theories can lead to events such as the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol. As such, Biden may lack a clear and concise understanding of what a president of America needs to be to help unite the country.

A political protest in America | Thank You, Joe Biden. Next Please! Why I Think Joe Biden Should Retire | Mania Politics
America has changed so much that it barely recognizes itself. Photo by Colin Lloyd / Unsplash

What I mean by this is, remember how Obama brought the country together back when he took Osama Bin Laden down? Or when George Bush focused the country on the Iraq War? Biden has failed to trigger unity in the country similarly. I am not saying that he needs an enemy to do that, and he already has Trump to criticize, but I mean he lacks the recognition of how bad America has become polarized and divided. He has, therefore, not been as astute as he needs to be when dealing with issues such as the overturning of Roe v Wade and abortion legislation in general.

Taking a Stand on Abortion
From a human point of view, we all exist primarily because we were born.

Read my stance on the controversial issue of whether abortion should be legal

It's Time for a Woman to Be President and Unite the Country

It is mostly the case in life that what a man cannot do, a woman can. Therefore, I dare say that it is time for a woman to be president of the United States and unite the country. I, for one, know the perfect woman for this job, Kamala Harris.

Kamala, the current Vice President, has stepped up to the job in such a way that she's shown that she can handle the top job. She's remained astute and has been an effective vice-captain as she helps Biden steer the ship.

We are at an age in human history when I think it is time for a woman to become America's president and the leader of the free world. Women have shown such grit and courage that it would be an injustice to deny a woman serious consideration for the Democratic ticket and the top job. As I have said before, the future is female and it is likely the case that Kamala's background, experience, and instincts are what America needs to navigate these trying times.

Why the Future is Female
Women have been at the forefront of the fight against climate change and in climate activism.

Remember that she was a prosecutor and her understanding of the law and how it should be executed would definitely be a plus when dealing with issues such as Roe v Wade.

Thank You Biden

It would be rude not to thank Joe Biden for his exemplary service to the nation and the people of America. Biden is part of a breed of leaders who are becoming rare and few each passing day. He has given everything to the country and he deserves our gratitude and respect. Thank You, Mr. President. Your service, commitment, and sacrifice for the greatest nation have been, undoubtedly, the greatest.