Remembering the Legend Pelé

Edson Arantes dos Nascimento, popularly nicknamed Pelé, was a Brazilian footballer who is regarded as one of the greatest football players in history. Pele scored a Guinness World Record of 1,279 goals in 1,363 games. Pele was a legend in his own right in the game of football for his on-pitch prowess and off-pitch contribution to the game.

Pelé's Death

Pele suffered multiple organ failure in late December last year and succumbed on the 29th of December at the age of 82. He is survived by his mother, wife, and seven kids. Pele had seven kids from 3 marriages, the latest of which he married in 2016. The death of Pele sparked mourning all over the world as fellow footballers, fans and dignitaries mourned his death.

The Beautiful Game

Perhaps one of his biggest achievements, Pele was associated with the popularization of football or soccer and the coining of the phrase "The Beautiful Game". He himself was heavily praised with some calling him 'O Rei' or the King. This name was given to him after he won the World Cup in 1958. Pele won the World Cup three times (1958,1962, and 1970) and is still the only player to do so.

A Personification of Football

In more ways than one, Pele personified football. He did all in his power to see that he not only does his best as a player but also in his advocacy for the game and in inspiring and supporting upcoming players. Pele has been known to handhold professional football players and mentor them, including the likes of Neymar. He, to many of them, was more like a father and an inspiration for them to keep striving in football.

What Will Pelé be Remembered for?

Pele will be remembered for beautifying the game of football. He will be remembered for making the sport a unifying factor and for championing an age of peace through sport. Through his effort and that of many others, football became a way for previously warring nations and regions to come together and settle their differences. Pele was in the thick of that, being a legendary figure in the beautiful game that we enjoy today, football.

💡 For a full breakdown of Pele's life and achievements, please visit the Pele Wikipedia Page.