Reacher Season 1 Review

Reacher is a 2022 drama/thriller action series about Jack Reacher, a buff dude who's arrested on suspicion of murder only to end up helping the police solve a string of murders.

Reacher Season 1 Review

Reacher is a 2022 drama/thriller action series about Jack Reacher, a buff dude who's arrested on suspicion of murder only to end up helping the police department solve a string of murders. Reacher is passing by Margrave in Georgia but gets caught up in a whole lot of trouble.

Reacher Season 1 Review and Summary

πŸ’‘ This post is both a review and a summary of Reacher Season 1. That is to say, it may contain spoilers.

Blind Blake

Reacher, played by Alan Ritchson, is in Margrave, Georgia looking for more information about a Blues singer Blind Blake. He is interested in knowing all there is to know about Blake since it is rumored that Blake died in Margrave and was a frequent visitor of the town. Reacher, however, is quickly arrested as on the path he was walking to town, a dead body is found.

Roscoe and Finlay

On being arrested, Reacher comes across Officer Roscoe Conklin, played by Willa Fitzgerald, and her boss Oscar Finlay, played by Malcolm Goodwin. Finlay is the Chief Detective of Margrave Police. There are also officers Stevenson and Baker in Margrave Police and their boss Chief of Police Morrison. Reacher is arrested and detained while the officers check out his alibi.

On being arrested, Reacher comes across Roscoe, a police officer who's kind to him
On being arrested, Reacher comes across Roscoe, a police officer who's kind to him. Source: Prime Video.

Paul Hubble

When Finlay and Roscoe take Reacher to Paul Hubble's to investigate, Paul Hubble, played by Marc Bendavid, who is a banker confesses to the murder. He straight up says that he's the one who did it and seemingly out of fear, insists that he did it, even when he's unknowingly prompted with false details about the murder. Hubble and Reacher are sent to the area prison for remand, where things get a bit interesting.

A Hit Gone Wrong

In prison, Reacher and Hubble are taken in by an officer, Spivey. Spivey puts them in the general population instead of the routine remand awaiting arraignment to court. There, Hubble and Reacher quickly realize that they are targets. In a bullying trial gone wrong, Hubble's glasses are wrecked and Reacher beats the bullies to a pulp and takes their glasses.

Later when he goes to the bathroom, he's followed there by a group of inmates with a knife trying to kill him. Reacher is a big guy and he takes all of them, leaving most with broken bones and needing jaw replacements. Officers come in and he and Hubble are whisked to where they should have rightly been: remand.

Reacher takes care of the prisoners sent to kill him and comes out unscathed
Reacher takes care of the prisoners sent to kill him and comes out unscathed. Source: Amazon Prime Video.

Something's Going On

Not long after, the police boss, Morrison is taken out and murdered in a way as if to send a message. He's crucified and the whole thing puts everyone in Margrave on edge. The town mayor, Grover Teale, played by Bruce McGill, appoints himself as police chief, to replace Morrison, and the mission now changes to finding the police chief's killers.


Kliner Sr., played by Currie Graham, owner of Kliner Industries, a company that's heavily invested in Margrave is in some shady business. Reacher and his now acquaintances from the police: Roscoe and Finlay, suspect that he's part of a money counterfeiting ring. They try investigating and discover that the counterfeiting somehow has ties to South America and that the counterfeited money is probably being brought into the country from Venezuela. Things don't get too far along before Kliner is himself killed.

Kliner Sr., who Reacher and his counterparts think is the mastermind
Kliner Sr., who Reacher and his counterparts think is the mastermind, is himself taken out. Source: Prime Video.


By this time, Charlie Hubble, Paul Hubble's wife, and their two daughters are in hiding. Oscar elicits the help of his FBI friend Picard, played by Martin Roach, who takes them to a safe house where he watches them. Charlie and the girls are shaken as Paul went missing after being released from prison where he'd been held along with Reacher, and bailed out.

It's Joe

While the investigation starts taking root, Jack Reacher realizes that the man murdered and whose murder he was being accused of is actually his brother, Joe Reacher. Reacher can now not leave before finding the people that killed his brother and avenging his death. It becomes personal for him and he must stay in Margrave until this is sorted out. He also elicits the help of Joe's colleague, who's killed as she tries to deliver Joe's case files to Jack. Joe was a secret service officer investigating counterfeiting.

More than Meets the Eye

Roscoe's guardian and a former police officer in Margrave had some files he'd hidden at the local barber, Mosley's. The files included details of some of the cases he'd been working on and assists Reacher, Roscoe, and Oscar figure out more about what is happening. Turns out that Kliner Industries was actually counterfeiting money for a Venezuelan entity that was powerful enough to take Kliner out and cause the slew of killings in Margrave.

Reacher, Roscoe, and Finlay realize that there's more than meets the eye in this case
Reacher, Roscoe, and Finlay realize that there's more than meets the eye in this case and are keen to find out what's really going on. Source: Amazon Prime Video

To Hell with You, Teale

Roscoe discovers that her guardian had been murdered with something that looked like the diamond handle on Grover Teale's stick. She rushes to the station and attacks him. She's enraged and as his reaction, Teale fires her from the police department. After some time, Oscar is also relieved of his services after another officer Stevenson, is murdered together with his wife.

Kliner Jr.

Reacher and the two continue investigating and Reacher even elicits the help of a former army colleague Frances Neagley, played by Maria Sten, who assists with investigations. The team realizes that Picard is dirty and it was Kliner Jr., Kliner's son, who had carried out the murders including the murder of Reacher's brother Joe and his own father, Kliner Sr.

Kliner Jr., or KJ, is a sadistic rich kid who's up to no good
Kliner Jr., or KJ, is a sadistic rich kid who's up to no good. Source: Prime Video.

By this time, Charlie Hubble and the girls, together with Roscoe, who'd taken over watching them, are kidnapped by Kliner Jr., played by Christopher Webster. Charlie, by this time, had opened up that she knew her husband had been forced into counterfeiting.

Bringing this Thing to an End

Reacher is keen to bring this thing to an end, given that he now knows who's behind his brother's killing. Reacher's also developed an affection for Roscoe and won't let anything happen to her. Together with Oscar and Neagley, they mount an attack on Kliner Industries where Roscoe, Charlie, and the girls are held. They arm up heavily and go on the daring mission. Reacher, by this time, had also tracked down Paul Hubble, after Kliner Jr. demanded that he finds Hubble and they exchange him for Charlie and their daughters.

It's Over

After a fierce battle in the Kliner Industries factory, Reacher, Neagley and Oscar manage to rescue Roscoe, Charlie, and the girls. Finlay is also keen to deal with his friend Picard who betrays them, as does Roscoe who hands Teale some swift justice. Reacher also comes man-to-man with Kliner Jr. and takes out the sadistic rich kid who'd killed his brother Joe and propagated this whole mess.

Reacher and his counterparts finally manage to solve the mystery and bring the perpetrators to book
Reacher and his counterparts finally manage to solve the mystery and bring the perpetrators to book. It is, however, a bitter-sweet moment when Reacher has to say goodbye to Roscoe. Source: Prime Video.

Jack Reacher: Review - How the Counterfeiting Syndicate Works in Reacher Season 1

Reacher uncovers that Kliner Industries was actually bringing in $1 notes from all over the world, bleaching them, and then reprinting them with higher denominations. The counterfeiting syndicate had, however, been crippled after a Coast Guard blockade made it hard to ship the illicit cash to clients in Venezuela. The killings in Margrave were part of the blowback with the rest being Kliner Jr.'s doing.

Our Rating

Reacher Season 1 is a thrill to watch. It is a mix of a detective/investigation series with pockets of very intensive action. Reacher is also very hilarious and is a must-watch for those who love investigative series, and also those looking for an action series that won't disappoint. We rate it 8/10. Be sure to watch it and enjoy!


Is it Worth Watching Reacher?

Yes. Reacher is worth watching. It is an intense, hilarious action series that investigates an intricate ploy that leads to nearly a dozen murders in the small town of Margrave, Georgia.

Will there be a Season 2 of Reacher?

Most definitely. Amazon Prime Video renewed Reacher for a second season as the series quickly became one of the most popular in their streaming catalog.

When will Reacher Season 2 be Released?

Reports indicate that Reacher Season 2 has already finished filming and is in post-production. Reacher Season 2 started filming in September 2022 and was done filming on February 24th, 2023. This news was reported by the lead actor Alan Ritchson himself via Twitter. As such, Reacher Season 2 is expected to be released late this year, somewhere between August and December 2023.

Where can I watch Reacher Season 2?

You can watch Reacher Season 2 on Amazon Prime Video when it comes out sometime later this year.

Which Book is Reacher Based On?

Reacher is Based on 'The Killing Floor' book by Lee Child and his character Jack Reacher. Reacher Season 2 is also reportedly based on another of Lee Child's books in the Jack Reacher series titled 'Bad Luck and Trouble'.