Ramadan: Its Importance and Meaning

Ramadan, also known as Ramazan, Ramathan, or Ramadhan, is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. This period of 30 days falls under the fourth Pillar of Islam fasting [sawm]. In this period, Muslims all over the world fast from dawn till dusk and all day reflect only on good deeds and getting closer to Allah [SWT].

The Origin of Ramadan

It’s believed that Ramadan traces back to 610 A.D when Angel Gabriel appeared to Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] and revealed the Qur’an, The Holy Book. The revelation [Laylat al Qadar] took place during this period. This night of power is so important to Muslims that it is even stated in the Holy Qur’an that it’s better than 1000 months.

Ramadan marks one of the most important parts of Islam.

The Three Stages of Ramadhan

As stated above, Ramadan takes center stage for 30 days, starting with the siting of the crescent moon. Ramadan is further divided into three parts or stages, also known as the Ashra of Ramadan. The term Ashra is used to mean a count of ten. These three divisions are; Rehma, Maghirah, and Thawab.


Rehma is the first ten days after the sighting of the moon. These are the ten days of mercy, grace, and blessings. Rehma, which is mentioned about 80 times in the Qur’an, has 10 days in which all Muslims are to ask for mercy. During these 10 days, they are to seek the blessings of Allah. On this first Ashra, a Dua is recited that goes, “O! My lord forgives and have Mercy, and You are the Best of merciful.”


Mighfirah is the second Ashra of Ramadan. This follows immediately after Rehma. It’s the 11th day to the 20th day. On these 10 days, Muslims beg for forgiveness. They ask for Allah’s forgiveness for all the sins they have committed thus far. On these 10 days, they feel sorry for all their sins.

As they plead for forgiveness, they promise not to commit the sins again and beg for Allah’s help not to commit the same sins again. Muslims are also to forgive others who have wronged them. On this 2nd Ashra, a Dua is recited that goes, “I seek forgiveness from Allah, my Lord, from every sin I have committed.”


Tauba/Nijat is the last of the Ramadan Ashras. These are the last 10 days and most of the coherent days of Ramadan. These are the most important days and are even termed the mother of all days.

During this day, Muslims mostly beg for Allah’s refuge. They pray for salvation. They pray to their Creator to save them from the fires of hell. Muslims are to ask for a good place in paradise which is every Muslim’s biggest desire. On this 3rd Ashra, a Dua is recited that goes, “O Allah! Save me from the Hell-Fire.”

Prayer and supplication are integral parts of Ramadan.

What does Ramadan Celebrate?

The days of Ramadan are the most important in Islam. On these 30 days, Muslims get to forgive and be forgiven for their sins. All Muslims who fast on these days get closer to their Creator. They strengthen their relationship with Allah. On these days, they deprive themselves of all worldly pleasures. They abstain from all types of food all day. Muslims also only think of good deeds all day. On these days, they practice kindness to all. Ramadan helps Muslims revive their self-control. It really takes a lot to fast all day, without even a drop of water.

What is Allowed and Not Allowed During Ramadan?

For the 30 days, Muslims are supposed to abstain from all types of foods, and other unnecessary worldly pleasures from 6 am to 6 pm. Fasting is an integral part of religion and shows the dedication of the faithful to their Creator.

What do Muslims Eat During Ramadan?

Muslims eat a pre-fast meal before sunrise known as Suhur. The meal may resemble breakfast or be heavier. After sundown, Muslims break the fast with a meal known as Iftar, which commences with dates and includes milk or water. Iftar is followed by dinner.

Ramadan Kareem to All Muslims

May Allah strengthen all Muslims worldwide and let them see the end of this Ramadan and many others. May all their prays during this period come true. May Allah fill your hearts with unending grace. May you all find favor In Allah. May all your biggest desires come true, and May Allah reserve you places in Paradise. RAMADAN KAREEM!!