Opinion: Kenya is Suffering Neo-Colonialism Propagated by Christianity

Our country Kenya is suffering neo-colonialism, worse still, neo-colonialism that is propagated by Christianity. The William Samoei Ruto administration is a culmination of a carefully sold lie that he is a saint, a staunch Christian, and a man who truly has the country's interests at heart. He is anything but. WSR is the worst thing to happen to Kenya since Daniel Arap Moi and the common man will be the one who suffers the most.

The Christian Lie

William Ruto packaged himself as a staunch believer in Christ and a God-fearing man as he campaigned for the 2022 elections. Ruto, like the British colonizers who colonized Kenya in the 20th Century, realized how potent Christianity can be, as a tool to colonize the masses. As the adage goes, religion is the opium of the people. What better way to neo-colonialize a budding African nation than by using a tried and tested method? What better way to get you to vote for WSR than to include God and Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior?