Nadia Nakai Mourns AKA: "My Heart is Shattered. This is Not What Our Future was Meant to Look Like"

"There is no pain bigger than the pain of losing you. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with you, I realise you’re the one who spent the rest of your life with me."

Nadia Nakai Mourns AKA: "My Heart is Shattered. This is Not What Our Future was Meant to Look Like"
Nadia and AKA. Source: IG.

In a heartbreaking message, Kiernan 'AKA' Forbes' girlfriend Nadia Nakai paid a hugely emotional tribute to her late boyfriend just a day after his burial. AKA was shot dead in Florida Road in Durban and was laid to rest on 18th February at Westpark Cemetery in Johannesburg.

"My Heart is Shattered" - Nadia Nakai

Nadia who was AKA's love and the person he'd mostly spent his time with, alongside his daughter and close family members, shared on her Instagram that she was very heartbroken by his timely demise and started her emotional message by saying "My heart is shattered". The tribute is very touching and features several videos of them together.

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Nadia expressed in the message that the two had made a lot of plans for their future saying "I can’t come to terms with the fact that I’ll never hear you say you love me, I’ll never hear your laugh.
We had plans.
" Nadia also expressed the pain she feels knowing that she'll never get to hear his voice again or him saying that he loves her. In her words "I can’t believe I said my final goodbye to you yesterday.
I’ll never see you again for the rest of my lifetime?

Nadia's Touching Tribute to AKA

Nadia in her touching tribute to AKA appreciated him and his love for her saying "You loved me loud and proud, thank you baby. Protected me, Prayed for me, inspired me.
I find it hard to breath let alone find the words to explain how much I love you.
I’m really going to miss all the special moments we’ve had. This really hurts!
" She went on to mourn his loss saying that she was questioning God's decision to bring them together only for AKA to pass on. She writes: "I don’t know why things happen the way they do, but I’m questioning God right now. Why would he bring us together to only take you away. I just don’t understand."

"I Thought I was Going to Spend the Rest of My Life with You, I realise You're the One Who Spent the Rest of Your Life with Me"

In the heartbreaking message Nadia expresses her and AKA's desire to spend the rest of their lives with one another saying "There is no pain bigger than the pain of losing you. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with you, I realise you’re the one who spent the rest of your life with me." Nadia expresses her pain and the pain of losing someone she loved so much saying "I don’t know how I’m going to do this, going on with my life without you, I just can’t."

Nadia and AKA at a past event
Nadia and AKA looking fab at a past event. Source: IG.

"Rest in Peace Kiernan. I love you."

Nadia then goes on to end her emotional message with "Rest in peace Kiernan, I love you." Her tribute is a heartbreaking and touching expression of her loss and the pain she's had to go through since her boyfriend was shot and kiled in Durban. We pray for Nadia and for the rest of Kiernan's family, especially his beautiful young daughter. May his Soul Rest in Eternal Peace. We, too, are dumbfounded by the loss of such a bright African star. Go Well AKA! Watch a beautiful TikTok that AKA did with his daughter below.

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Nadia Nakai's Full Tribute to AKA

Nadia Nakai's full tribute to AKA is as follows.

"My Heart is shattered, this is not what our future was meant to look like. I can’t believe I said my final goodbye to you yesterday.
I’ll never see you again for the rest of my lifetime? You loved me loud and proud, thank you baby. Protected me, Prayed for me, inspired me.
I find it hard to breath let alone find the words to explain how much I love you.
I’m really going to miss all the special moments we’ve had. This really hurts!
I can’t come to terms with the fact that I’ll never hear you say you love me, I’ll never hear your laugh.
We had plans.
There is no pain bigger than the pain of losing you. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with you, I realise you’re the one who spent the rest of your life with me. I don’t know why things happen the way they do, but I’m questioning God right now. Why would he bring us together to only take you away. I just don’t understand. I don’t know how I’m going to do this, going on with my life without you, I just can’t.

Rest in peace Kiernan, I love you.

~ Nadia Nakai (@nadianakai on Instagram)

In a follow-up post a day later, Nadia writes:

"O God, come to my assistance; O Lord hurry to help me. Please take the consuming anguish I feel right now; Take it from me and hold me in your arms. Heal my broken heart and bind my wounds. Amen
Psalm 147:3

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DJ Zinhle: "We Will Comfort and Love Nadia, She is Family Now"

In her tribute to AKA and the father of her child, Dj Zinhle wrote a touching send-off message for AKA promising to do her best to raise their daughter Kairo Owethu Forbes. She also assured him that she'll comfort and love his girlfriend Nadia, touting her as family.

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Dj Zinhle acknowledged AKA's belief in God saying that she'll hold on to his assurances that God is in control, as she and the rest of the family "piece together the pieces of our shattered hearts". Dj Zinhle also apologized to Kiernan for being robbed of his time with his daughter Kairo, and girlfriend Nadia. Read Dj Zinhle's full send-off message below.

Dj Zinhle's Full Send-Off Message for AKA

Dj Zinhle's full send-off message for her ex AKA is as follows.

"Kiernan, I am so sorry that you have been robbed of your time with your daughter, with @nadianakai, Steffan, your mom @lynnforbesza , dad and all of us. I would give anything for Kairo to have more time with you Kiernan. The thought of her asking questions breaks me. What do I do when she misses and needs you?

Please watch over her and plead with The Almighty to guide Bongani @murdahbongz and I as we raise our daughter.

The last time I saw you, you told me how proud you are of us and how well we were co-parenting, we had come a long way and even though it challenged a lot of people in how well we co-parented. It was never about society or us, it was always about our daughter and what was best for her.

We quickly learnt that our differences would not be a burden for our daughter, our past mistakes could not deprive our daughter of a happy childhood with love from both mom and dad. I am so glad we figured it out, it’s as if we knew you would not be around long enough. Thank you for loving her the way you did.

We will continue to do what’s best for her, we will raise her in a loving environment that encourages forgiveness, one that is deeply rooted in the great spirit of being a family…over everything else. We are all responsible for her happiness now, my family and yours will pull together to make sure she is the happiest girl in the world...exactly how you always made her feel.

Good night Kiernan. You told me God is in control, I will hold on to these words as we piece together the pieces of our shattered hearts. We will comfort and love Nadia, she is family now. God bless you."

Zinhle Jiyane (@djzinhle on Instagram)