Nadia Mukami Makes an Emotional Reply to Jalango’s Allegations That She is Pregnant

Musician Nadia Mukami came out in an emotional video reply to wade off radio personality Jalang’o after he made comments alleging that she was pregnant with fellow musician Arrow Boy’s baby. Jalang’o on being called out by Arrow Boy for the comments did not apologize and even said that he was “sorry not sorry.”

Jalango’s Lack of Remorse

According to Jalang'o, he may have overshared and he will just overshare again.

Ms. Mukami made her reply to Jalang’o via a video which she recorded saying that there are reasons why people do what they do and hide their private lives. She called out Jalang’o as being disrespectful and rude calling his comments “low”.

“We Have an Angel in Heaven” - Nadia Mukami

In what was an emotional reply, she said that she and Arrow Boy had been through a lot and that they have an “angel in heaven”. She said that Arrow Boy had lost two people in one year, with one of them being his father. According to her, he is a non-dramatic man and that’s why she is with him and that he has never had any scandal and his comments against Jalang’o were a result of him being pushed by the insolence of Jalang’o.

Jalang’o - An Attention-Seeking Loudmouth

Pundits say that Jalang’o’s allegations were just the latest chapter in his attention-seeking tendencies. “He has come to be known as a loudmouth who never lets a chance to create drama pass him by” - analyst. His fans are also keen to encourage his delinquent behavior with many of them cherishing a chance to bash his latest opponent or critic.

Is Nadia Mukami Pregnant?

The question remains, however, is Nadia Mukami pregnant? We cannot confirm that she is even if there are signs that she could be. Fans say that they may have seen her baby bump even as she may be trying to hide it. Pregnant or not, Jalang’o’s breach of privacy was unfounded, uncalled for, and really disrespectful.

Good etiquette is not asking or revealing that someone is pregnant even when you may think you see signs of the pregnancy. Jalang’o’s actions indicate that chivalry is dying and the Kenyan man is becoming less gentlemanly by the day. What a shame.