Life in a Year Movie Review

Daryn meets Isabelle (Izzy) who he immediately falls in love with. She resists him because...

Life in a Year Movie Review

Life in a Year is a 2020 movie about a girl whose boyfriend tries to give her the rest of her life in a year. The movie stars Jaden Smith, who plays Daryn, and Cara Delevingne, who plays Isabelle. The movie is executive produced by Jada-Pinkett, Will Smith, and James Lassiter.

No Future

Daryn meets Isabelle (Izzy) who he immediately falls in love with. She resists him because she has cancer and has been told by the doctors that she’ll only live for a year. In her words, she says she has “no future” and asks Daryn whether he’ll still love her knowing that she will die in less than a year.

Parent’s Dreams

Daryn on his part has his whole life planned out. He and his father make a plan for him to go to Harvard and have everything sorted out. He is an athletics champion and scores good grades. He comes from a well-off family and as much as any girl would be impressed by his background, Isabelle isn’t.

Follow Your Dreams

Instead, Izzy thinks he should follow his dreams and stand up against his father and their plans. Things get sticky when Daryn’s dad ridicules Isabelle and Izzy and Daryn decide to run away from home. Isabelle gets really ill and they have to go back. She’s in the advanced stages of her cancer and is nearly dying.

“I Was Loved”

The day comes and Isabelle passes on. She leaves Daryn a message that is broadcast on the radio and also has his demo played. In her message, Izzy says that “I was loved” and asks Daryn to cherish their moments and those of his life. Daryn decides to follow his dreams and instead of going to college, heads to New York to follow a rap career.

Our Rating

An overall touching movie with great lessons and wisdom, Life in a Year is a good watch. It teaches important lessons about love, commitment, life, living in the now, and following your dreams. We rate it 6.5/10 as we felt it could have done a better job in delivering the storyline. The acting was good, however, even though it sometimes felt flaky. Will and Jada as the executive producers could have done a better job but they did satisfactorily well. Enjoy.