Is What's Happening to Trump Karma?

or is the law just late and slow?

Is What's Happening to Trump Karma?

Former President Donald Trump is in the mud now with the latest court cases and possible convictions. He is finally in the mud like we’ve always thought he ought to be. Question is… Is what is happening to Trump Karma? or is the law just late and slow…

An AI-generated image of Donald Trump in jail wearing orange overalls
Fellow Prisoners in Jail: Hello T. How you doing my man? Trump: I’m gonna get out of here. It’s gonna be big. So big. And we’ll all be free!

Trump has always had it easy, growing up on a silver spoon and with an expansive empire to inherit from his father. He never wanted for anything and with his TV expertise managed to hoodwink the whole of America to elect him… Did he though? Or was it the Russians who gave him a helping hand?

Election Interference

The 2016 Russian election interference marks one of the lowest points in American history in that an adversary (maybe the biggest and most fierce) got a way to interfere with the democracy of the great nation of the USA. Thinking about it, how would the nation feel if China did the same?

Say that China gets a way to interfere in the 2024 election and gets an ally elected as the leader of the free world. What kind of country would America be? What kind of nation would we have allowed happen? More importantly, what would our forefathers say?

Does Donald Trump Deserve to be President?

Trump is a crook no matter what you think or say about him. He never deserved to be president. He was never the best candidate to be put forward by the Republican party. But like with the silver spoon he grew up with, money got him nominated and eventually, directly or indirectly, got him the most coveted and most powerful job in the land.

An AI-generated image showing Trump in an orange suit signing some documents in a court room just after sentencing
I bet Trump could get a prison TV show as the boss of his jail. Source: PetaPixel.

Is What's Happening to Trump Karma?

So I ask… Is what is happening to him Karma.. or did his ‘money mojo’ stop working anymore. Even more pressing is the question of why did it take the US Justice System well over a half-decade to try and convict Trump? Is he untouchable? I can understand the optics of arresting your own president and how that would scar the image of America as the global leader in governance and democracy, but why let Trump get to office in the first place?

The Jan 6 Insurrection

I think of the Jan 6 insurrection and my mind is blown away by just how polarized America has become. I think of just how insanely divided the nation is and how that in itself poses a danger to not only national security, but also poses the risk of deep divisions within the country.

COVID-19 Vaccinations

Case in point, the COVID vaccinations and how a simple issue of life and death and ensuring the protection of lives via medically tested, tried, and approved vaccines brew such heated controversy and showed deep-seated divisions within America.

If you have been lucky enough to watch HBO’s The Last Of Us then you know if COVID was Cordyceps, then we wouldn’t be here talking and the world would have become a wasteland already.

If COVID were Cordyceps, then this would be New York City today with the majority of everyone already infected and a zombie. Source: VentureBeat.

There’d be droves and swarms of zombies in the streets of New York City and even some clickers in the Capitol in Washington baying for blood and doing all they can to ‘increase the swarm of the infested’.

The Last of Us Series Review
A very interesting yet shocking series, The Last of Us brings to life Naughty Dog’s game with the same name.

Read our review of The Last of Us Series here

As such, my point is, No, what is happening to Trump cannot be simplified as just karma. It is a failure of the system itself. First, in how it overcomplicates justice and puts too many hurdles and bureaucracies in the way of fast, accurate, and measured convictions. Second, in the way the Justice Department itself became politicized, especially in the time of Attorney General Barr.

Is the Law Just Late or Slow?

The law should be like a speed train. It should flow as per the tenets of the constitution, moving very swiftly and cutting across the board. It shouldn’t be a matter for politicization, debate, conspiracy theories, and the like. Like someone famously said, ‘the law is the law’… and that is all it should be.

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Trump’s misconduct has caught up to him because even as a 70-something-year-old, he has so much baggage and garbage that he’s done that inevitably, whether the justice system was efficient or not, his wrongdoing would have caught up to him. The pity would be for the Justice Department to instigate further delays and wait for Trump to go to heaven, or hell, for them to start prosecuting and convicting him and sentencing him posthumously. That would be a real pity.