Is it Okay to Cut People Off?

You can set a standard of how you expect and demand to be treated, by cutting off those who go contrary to what you believe is the proper way to be treated

Is it Okay to Cut People Off?

It’s okay to cut people off. It’s more than okay; it’s necessary. If you’re like me and can’t stand when someone acts rude, lies, or is just plain dishonest, then I’d say cut them off. It may make you feel a little on edge but sometimes protecting your energy is more important than protecting others’ feelings.

Why Cut People Off?

To Protect Your Energy

Your energy, aura (also inner beauty), and vibe are everything. They are priceless. Who you are deep down and the beauty of that is something you should jealously protect. Your ‘energy’ or your inner power, force of being, or light is at the core of who you are and your lifestyle. As such, if someone doesn’t fit into your life or recognize the privilege that is being in it, then simply cut them off. They deserve it.

Sometimes People aren’t a Good Fit for Who You Are

It can be so unsettling to learn that sometimes people aren’t a good fit for who you are. Sometimes your energy is unmatched or unaligned with theirs and at this point, it’s better to just take a step back from being acquaintances and cut them off. When you make a new acquaintance (someone who you’ve just met and aren’t really friends with yet) and their energy, aura or vibe is off; then you have every right to choose to end the relationship or friendship even before it begins.

Better to End Things Early than Depend on People Who’ll Disappoint You

Cutting off an acquaintance may hurt at first, as all breakups do but it’s for the better. To be honest, it’s better to end things early than grow to depend on someone who will later disappoint you. Don’t you think you’ll regret trusting someone who’s untrustworthy or loving someone who’s undeserving of your love? Won’t you regret being too much of a giver to a taker who’ll give you nothing in return?

Should I Cut Someone Off?

Don’t Be Too Much of a Giver to a Taker

Don’t be too much of a giver to a taker. Some of us are naturally givers and will care a lot, and quickly care about and love a person. However, when you realize this person is a taker and doesn’t give as much as they take, then you know it’s better to cut them off than to continue to always give. Knowing and understanding that some of us give and others take is a good thing. However, you still have the prerogative to choose whether to continue giving a taker or to find someone who’s a giver too. More importantly, someone who will give as much as they take. I’d advise going for the latter.

All Givers Need Givers

All givers truly need givers too who’ll reciprocate their energy, attention, and love. For instance, if you are looking to date someone and realize that you’re naturally a giver, then you are better off looking for someone who’s also a giver. Even more, someone who’ll give as much as you do and add a little on top. Who wouldn’t want someone who positively challenges them to be better?

Cutting Off Someone Challenges Them to be Better

A good thing about cutting off someone is that it challenges them to be better. It may end the acquaintance or even kill the possibility of a friendship or relationship but it will at least send the message that you expect them to be and do better. It can be so difficult sometimes to get that across.

I am Not Sure Whether I Should Cut Someone Off? What Should I Do?

Be and Do Better

Maybe that person needs a wake-up call to learn to treat others better. You cutting them off can be a way to let them know that indeed they can be and do better. It also sets a standard for yourself on how you expect others to treat you. I may even go as far as to say that it also allows you to set a standard for how to be treated by others.

Cutting Others Off Sets Standards for How You Should Be Treated

People may think that they can just go around hurting others’ feelings or being rude or plain intolerable. As such, you can set a standard of how you expect and demand to be treated, by cutting off those who go contrary to what you believe is the proper way to be treated. This can be part of setting your own standards.

A Little Pain, A Lot of Gain

I’ll admit it’s painful to just cut off someone you’d started to love and appreciate. However, since the both of you were just acquaintances and didn’t really become friends fully, the pain won’t be as great as that of a breakup. Even so, the little pain that will be there will be worth the great gain of not letting someone undeserving into your life. It’s similar to taking bitter prevention medicine which is far better than getting ill and having to undergo a procedure or heal a disease. Sometimes losing someone after you’ve cut them off is for the better, not the worst.