India Makes Quarantining Mandatory for all Entrants into the Country

India has made quarantining mandatory for all entrants into the country from all foreign nations. Entrants are required to home quarantine for 8 days. The move comes after 13 passengers hailing from Italy who tested positive for COVID escaped quarantine.

13 Passengers from an Inbound Italian Flight Escape Quarantine

The 13 passengers that escaped quarantine were part of an inbound Italian flight whose 172 passengers tested positive for the coronavirus. At a time when the Omicron variant is battering India and its major cities including Mumbai and New Delhi, the new regulations are seen as necessary.

A Hard-Hit India by the COVID-19 Pandemic

India has been particularly hard-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic with cases reaching the seven-figure mark. The nation has seen its health system upended even as it is one of the most medically sought nations in the world.

New Quarantine Rules Touch Even on those Seeking Medical Treatment

The new quarantine rules touch even on entrants seeking medical treatment in the country. Like everyone else arriving, they will have to quarantine and on the 8th day undertake a test. India is also a major manufacturer of pharmaceuticals and even COVID-19 vaccines but has had to withhold supplies to other nations to first vaccinate its population.

New Quarantine Regulations Face Staunch Criticism

The new regulations have also come under staunch criticism as they may cause unnecessary harm to those seeking medical attention. It may also discourage those seeking medical services from visiting the country. Airlines in India will also see less business as foreign travelers decrease. Even more, there may be fewer domestic travelers after states such as New Delhi restricted travel for both foreign and domestic inbound flights. Other states are also restricting flights from adversely affected states such as Delhi and Mumbai.