Heart of Stone Review – Gal Gadot's Action-Packed Spy Thriller Struggles to Leave a Lasting Impression

While Heart of Stone is packed with high-octane action sequences and slick visuals, it ultimately stumbles in delivering a compelling story

Heart of Stone Review – Gal Gadot's Action-Packed Spy Thriller Struggles to Leave a Lasting Impression
Gal Gadot's 'Heart of Stone' could have been much more than just an action-packed typical spy thriller, it could have been a masterpiece. Here's why we think it isn't.

Released in August 2023, Netflix's Heart of Stone promised an electrifying blend of spy action, high-tech espionage, and international intrigue, starring the ever-charismatic Gal Gadot. Directed by Tom Harper, the film was positioned as a potential new franchise, drawing comparisons to blockbusters like Mission: Impossible and James Bond.

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With Gadot's undeniable star power and a concept with all the right ingredients for a thrilling action adventure, the film certainly had high expectations to live up to. However, while Heart of Stone is packed with high-octane action sequences and slick visuals, it ultimately stumbles in delivering a compelling story or memorable characters.

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Gal Gadot's 'Heart of Stone' Review: The Action Thrills but the Film Misses the Mark

A Familiar Formula

Plot Overview

At its core, Heart of Stone centers around Rachel Stone (Gal Gadot), a highly skilled intelligence operative working for a secretive global peacekeeping organization called "The Charter." Stone's real mission is to protect "The Heart," a powerful AI system capable of manipulating global data and predicting outcomes with frightening accuracy. Her cover, however, is as a field agent for MI6, where she works with a small team led by Parker (Jamie Dornan). The movie’s action kicks off when hacker Keya Dhawan (Alia Bhatt) tries to steal The Heart for her own mysterious purposes, forcing Stone to go on a globe-trotting mission to recover it.

Heart of Stone's plot is exceedingly that of a cliche spy action thriller | Heart of Stone Movie Plot Summary | Mania Movies
Heart of Stone's plot is exceedingly that of a cliche spy action thriller. Source: Netflix/Heart of Stone.

The plot, while intriguing in its high-tech premise, feels like it draws from a formula we’ve seen before in many espionage and spy thrillers. Elements of Mission: Impossible, The Bourne Identity, and James Bond are all present, but Heart of Stone struggles to differentiate itself in any significant way. The stakes are undoubtedly high—control over a world-changing AI—but the film’s execution feels largely predictable, relying on tried-and-true tropes rather than breaking new ground in the genre.

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Gal Gadot's 'Rachel Stone': The Movie’s Driving Force

Gal Gadot’s portrayal of 'Rachel Stone' is undoubtedly the film’s biggest strength. Gadot has established herself as a charismatic action star, thanks in part to her role as Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe. In Heart of Stone, she channels that same commanding presence, effortlessly navigating high-stakes action sequences and showcasing a cool, collected demeanor even when things are spiraling out of control.

Gal Gadot plays her role as 'Rachel Stone' but it is apparent that she was heavily underutilized | Gal Gadot's 'Rachel Stone': The Movie’s Driving Force | Heart of Stone Movie Review and Rating | Mania Movies
Gal Gadot plays her role as 'Rachel Stone' intriguingly well but it is apparent that she was heavily underutilized and her potential to blow the movie open bottled. Heart of Stone tries too much to be like Mission Impossible and loses its authenticity. Source: Netflix.

However, despite Gadot’s magnetic screen presence, her character doesn’t feel fully fleshed out. Rachel Stone is depicted as a tough, no-nonsense agent with a mysterious past, but the film never delves deeply into her motivations or inner conflicts. Gadot’s performance is solid, but she’s working with a script that doesn’t give her character much emotional depth. As a result, Stone feels more like an action figure than a multi-dimensional protagonist, which is a missed opportunity for a film that aims to launch a new franchise.

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Heart of Stone's Supporting Cast: Underutilized Talent

The supporting cast of Heart of Stone boasts several talented actors, but most of them are underused or constrained by underdeveloped characters.

Jamie Dornan plays Parker, Stone’s MI6 colleague and team leader. Initially, Parker seems like a standard issue MI6 agent, but his character takes a significant turn midway through the film. Dornan handles the action and emotional beats well, but his character arc is somewhat predictable and doesn’t offer any surprises for seasoned viewers of the genre.

Jamie Dornan, who plays 'Parker', finds himself stuck in a too-predictable role | Heart of Stone Review – Gal Gadot's Action-Packed Spy Thriller Struggles to Leave a Lasting Impression | Jamie Dornan in Heart of Stone Character Review | Mania Movies
Jamie Dornan, who plays 'Parker', finds himself stuck in a too-predictable role in a movie that could have mystified his role in numerous verticals. Source: Netflix.

Alia Bhatt, making her Hollywood debut, portrays Keya Dhawan, the young hacker who seeks to steal The Heart. Bhatt is a rising star in Bollywood, known for her versatility and strong performances. However, Heart of Stone doesn’t give her much to work with. Keya is set up as a complex villain with personal motivations for her actions, but the film never fully explores her backstory or dives into her psyche. This leaves Bhatt in the role of a relatively flat antagonist, which is disappointing given her potential.

Despite being a Nollywood favorite, Alia Bhatt's role as 'Keya Dhawan' denies her depth | Heart of Stone's Supporting Cast: Underutilized Talent | Movie Reviews by Mania Africa
Despite being a Nollywood favorite, Alia Bhatt's role as 'Keya Dhawan' denies her depth and a real chance to show what she's capable of. Source: Netflix.

Sophie Okonedo plays 'Nomad', one of the high-ranking members of The Charter. Her screen time is limited, and despite Okonedo’s strong presence, her character serves more as a vehicle for exposition than as a truly pivotal figure in the narrative. It is, therefore, increasingly difficult to compare Heart of Stone with spy thriller masterpieces such as Citadel.

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A Feast for the Eyes for Action-Lovers: Action and Cinematography in Heart of Stone

If there’s one area where Heart of Stone truly excels, it’s in the action and visuals. The movie takes full advantage of its international settings, from the icy peaks of the Italian Alps to the sun-drenched streets of Lisbon. The globe-trotting nature of the plot adds a sense of scale and urgency, evoking the same kind of world-spanning thrills we’ve come to expect from the Mission: Impossible series.

What we can vouch for in Heart of Stone are the thrilling action sequences | A Feast for the Eyes: Action and Cinematography in Heart of Stone | Mania Movies by Mania Africa
What we can vouch for in Heart of Stone are the thrilling action sequences. Well thought-out and fast-paced, the movie brings action to the fore. Even so, the sizzling scenes do not make up for the movie's lack of character depth. Source: Netflix.

The action sequences are sleek and well-choreographed, with Gadot’s character performing death-defying stunts and engaging in high-speed chases. The standout sequence is a mid-film skydive fight, which is visually spectacular and adrenaline-pumping, even if it stretches the boundaries of plausibility. Director Tom Harper, known for his work on films like Wild Rose and the Amazon series The Aeronauts, clearly has a strong eye for staging dynamic action set pieces—and Heart of Stone certainly delivers on that front.

The beauty of the action in Heart of Stone is that it takes place in numerous scenic locations | A Feast for the Eyes for Action-Lovers: Action and Cinematography in Heart of Stone | Heart of Stone Movie Review | Mania Africa
The beauty of the action in Heart of Stone is that it takes place in numerous scenic locations, taking the viewer on a nearly global cinematic journey. Source: Netflix.

The use of technology in the film, particularly the concept of 'The Heart', adds a futuristic edge to the traditional spy thriller. The AI’s ability to manipulate data in real-time leads to some creative moments where Stone has to outsmart an all-seeing digital presence—though the film never fully capitalizes on the implications of this advanced technology in a meaningful way.

'The Heart' is an AI quantum computer that can hack anything real-time and predict events with near-certainty | Heart of Stone's Themes: Does Gal Gadot's Spy Thriller Impress? | Heart of Stone Film Review by Mania Africa
'The Heart' is an AI quantum computer that can hack anything in real-time and predict events with near certainty. Source: Netflix/Heart of Stone.

Heart of Stone Movie Review: Weaknesses in the Script and Storytelling

Where Heart of Stone falters most is in its script. While the premise of an AI that can predict and control global events is undeniably compelling, the film doesn’t explore its thematic potential. The narrative remains on the surface level, with much of the dialogue feeling expository and at times clunky. The ethical questions surrounding the use of such a powerful AI—whether it’s truly a force for good or a tool of manipulation—are touched upon but never given the deep dive they deserve.

The idea of 'The Heart' in the movie is quite suave, as it provides the opportunity for a compelling twist | Heart of Stone's Themes: Does Gal Gadot's Spy Thriller Impress? | Mania Movies
The idea of 'The Heart' in the movie is quite suave, as it provides the opportunity for a compelling twist—something that the movie fails to deliver. Source: Netflix.

Additionally, the pacing of the film is uneven. While the action scenes are gripping, the moments in between can drag, as the film moves from one set piece to the next without much emotional investment. The characters’ motivations are often unclear, or worse, reduced to generic spy thriller clichés. As a result, it’s difficult to become fully engaged with their journeys, leaving the viewer with little to care about beyond the next explosion or chase scene.

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Heart of Stone's Themes: Does Gal Gadot's Spy Thriller Impress?

Heart of Stone touches on several interesting themes, particularly around surveillance, data manipulation, and the moral quandaries of artificial intelligence. The Charter’s motto is “In the shadows, we take the first step,” which hints at the ethical ambiguity of its mission. The idea of a powerful organization that operates outside the law to maintain global peace echoes themes from other spy films, but Heart of Stone doesn’t dive into the murky waters of such ideas as deeply as it could.

Sophie Okonedo's role as 'Nomad' burdens her with the responsibility of running 'The Charter' | Heart of Stone Movie Review: Weaknesses in the Script and Storytelling | Movie Reviews on Mania Africa
Sophie Okonedo's role as 'Nomad' burdens her with the responsibility of running 'The Charter', an organization wielding the greatest technological power encapsulated in an AI that can predict the future. Source: Netflix.

The film attempts to raise questions about the dangers of a world where technology can predict and manipulate human behavior, but it never fully commits to exploring those ideas. Instead, it remains content to use The Heart as a plot device for driving the action forward, rather than as a focal point for deeper philosophical or ethical reflection—so much for a thrilling spy series.

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Action-Packed Yet Forgettable: Action Over Substance in Netflix's Heart of Stone

At the end of the day, Heart of Stone delivers on its promise of high-stakes action and glamorous spy thriller spectacle, but it falls short when it comes to storytelling and character development. Gal Gadot proves once again that she’s more than capable of carrying a big-budget action film, but even her undeniable star power can’t elevate a script that plays it too safe and leans too heavily on genre conventions.

From watching Heart of Stone, you get the feeling that the makers of the film just wanted an old-school action thriller | Action-Packed Yet Forgettable: Action Over Substance in Netflix's Heart of Stone | Mania Movies
From watching Heart of Stone, you get the feeling that the makers of the film just wanted an old-school action thriller, and it's disappointing that they left so much to desire for the film's storyline. Source: Netflix.

For fans of fast-paced, glossy action films with international intrigue, Heart of Stone offers an entertaining, if forgettable, ride. However, those looking for a deeper, more original take on the spy genre may find the film lacking in substance.

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While there’s certainly potential for a sequel, it will need to bring more narrative depth and character complexity to truly stand out in a crowded genre.

Watch the trailer of Heart of Stone below. Source: Netflix.

Our Rating: 6/10 for Opportunities Not Taken

Winding down, Heart of Stone is a slick, action-packed spy thriller that showcases Gal Gadot’s star power but struggles to carve out a unique identity in the crowded world of espionage films. Its high-energy sequences and stylish visuals make it worth a watch, but it lacks the depth and innovation needed to become a standout in the genre.

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This article has been written with the help of A.I. for topic research and formulation.