From Fresh Prince to King: Why Everybody Loves Will Smith

Will is a king for being an all-around lovable man. He is a legend and an icon. His smacking of Chris Rock is just the latest expression of his fatherly nature.

From Fresh Prince to King: Why Everybody Loves Will Smith

Will Smith is a legend, no doubt. He rose from being ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ to ‘King Richard’ which is a metaphorical analogy of his growth. Growing up in Hollywood and becoming a movie star, Will Smith remains an authentic man and a relatable human of all sorts.

Will Breaks the Net

Will Smith broke the internet a few days ago when he smacked Chris Rock across the face. Rock made a joke relating Will’s wife, Jada Pinkett to ‘G.I. Jane’, a movie starring a shaved head Demi Moore. Will did not take the joke lightly as his wife had lost hair due to a condition known as alopecia. He woke up from his seat at the Oscars 2022 Award Show and slapped Chris across his face. Many have come out to criticize him but he apologized to the academy and later to Chris and everyone involved. That’s the man, ‘the king’ that he has become.

Will’s Glowing Hollywood Career

Will Smith has had immeasurable success in the movie industry in Hollywood. Since his early days playing the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Will retained a meticulous work ethic and raised a beautiful star-studded family. The making of King Richard, the movie that finally earned him an Oscar, was just the epitome of how good he’s become at his craft. The movie also served as a metaphorical poetic expression as it is a movie about a father, Venus, and Vanessa Williams’ father, who furiously defends his family.

Will Smith: A Legend and Icon

Will is a king for being an all-around lovable man. He is a legend and an icon. His smacking of Chris Rock is just the latest expression of his fatherly nature. Mind you, we do not promote or encourage violence in any way and we acknowledge that Will was wrong to slap Chris. However, Will Smith is a man with a lot on his plate and he, as anyone would, felt that Rock had gone too far even as he was probably wrong in the way he showed his disdain.

An Investigation by the Oscars

The academy commenced an investigation into the incident and has since said that it does not condone violence. Numerous stars in the movie industry such as Jim Carrey have come out to condemn the academy and Will’s actions. Even so, looking back, Chris was by no means justified to attack Jada for a medical condition she had been suffering.

In retrospect, the fresh prince would have outright kicked his a** but the king walked up calmly, took a two-second pose, and delivered a strong (could be heard) slap across Chris’ face. In a gentlemanly nature, he walked off, straightening his suit, and sat down. On Chris's reaction, he gracefully uttered the words “Keep my wife’s name out your f*cking mouth” twice, shocking the likes of Lupita Nyong’o who were sitting behind him.

A Gentleman Even When Losing His Cool

Our argument is that Will Smith handled the entire thing like a gentleman even apologizing in tears in his acceptance speech for his Oscar. Yes, the event overshadowed the entire night but it taught a great lesson. Disrespect on a personal level is unacceptable in every form. If it were one of us being disrespected as such, we probably could have reacted more violently and spoken even more bitterly without the composure and gentlemanliness that Will showed.

An On-Camera Genie

Will also portrayed an on-camera awareness that most of us frankly lack the ‘public figure’ experience to conjure. We keep asking ourselves,... if it was a 50 Cent that was in that situation, would he have pulled out a glock and shot somebody? If it was a rapper feeling that insulted, would we be talking of a gunshot wound or a murder? We wonder. Therefore, Will Smith is a King for reacting so measured and honorably even as in his world, the incident was him losing his cool.

Cool Guy Will, Forever

Will Smith will always be a cool guy. There are a few Hollywood stars who can boast a portfolio like his. His movies are striking and emotional making them very memorable. To this day, I cannot forget the movie ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’. It was a timeless classic that mirrored the lives of many Americans and young families struggling with unemployment and putting food on the table.

Think of ‘Men in Black’ or even the latest ‘Alladin’ movie where Will is ‘the genie’. Beautiful. Alladin is another metaphorical expression of who Will is, signaling how perfect he was for the role. Some would say he has such power as the genie’s to make any role his and anything on the camera happen with such suave.

Will Smith Deserves to be in the Hollywood Hall of Fame

Will Smith should be inducted into the Hollywood Hall of Fame. He deserves it and has given the world a lot of cherishable moments through his films. He is a legend and a misstep should only be taken as that, a misstep. Will will go on to make more record-shattering movies and do it so well that the world is a better place with him on-screen. He made history also for breaking the internet in spectacular fashion and giving all of us an Oscars award show that we will never forget, especially now that award shows seem to be on their deathbed. Bravo Will and we wish you and your beautiful family all the best.