Frankie Just Gym It and Corazon Kwamboka Call It Quits After 2 Years and 2 Kids

The craziest thing about this entire story is that back then, we covered the story and predicted that the same would happen with Corazon and sadly we were right.

Frankie Just Gym It and Corazon Kwamboka Call It Quits After 2 Years and 2 Kids

Frankie Just Gym It and his second baby mama Corazon Kwamboka finally called it quits around Valentines after 2 years and 2 kids. The two broke up after apparently having differences they could not reconcile. The gossip mills indicate that their relationship recently went rocky after the birth of the second child.

Frankie, a serial cheat and alleged deadbeat dad, went on to date Kwamboka after breaking up with his longtime baby mama, Maureen Waititu. Frankie dumped a depressed and heavily pregnant Waititu back in 2019. Karma, however, is a b*tch.

Mania News Predicted this All Along: ā€˜Losing Love: Taking Screenshotsā€™

The craziest thing about this entire story is that back then, we covered the story and predicted that the same would happen with Corazon and sadly we were right. We talked about the Maureen breakup in a four-part video series that we titled ā€˜Losing Love: Taking Screenshots.ā€™

Our team had predicted that Frankie would still go on to make the same mistakes. He would be faulted for not supporting his kids, now his two sets of children, and dump or be dumped by Kwamboka. Apparently, he barely supports his children, from both relationships, and would rather be in the gym working out or just lazing around and doing social media. Read the Maureen Waititu and the Frankie Fiasco article below for more about the Maureen Waititu breakup.

A Very Public Romance

The romance with Corazon was all over the place, with beautiful pictures of them as a family. They really looked good and we couldnā€™t help but wonder what Maureen felt when she saw her baby daddy all over social media creating a new family.

Pundits say, however, that Waititu has long moved on and even found herself a new man. She is seemingly happy and has been doing her best to co-parent with Frankie. Those in the know, however, say that this ā€˜co-parentingā€™ is more of a phone call every now and then as Frankie barely provides or is required to provide for his children. Maureen has her ish together and is doing perfectly well without him or his money.

What Next for Frankie and Corazon?

Frankie may as well go on to a third relationship, sire a few kids, and then dump the new baby mama. Itā€™s just what he does and whatever his charm does to the women, they seem to like his charade. On the other hand, Corazon will go back to being a video vixen/socialite.

Some are even saying that she needed the breakup to allow her to go back to being ā€˜blessed.ā€™ She allegedly needs to go back to making money by finding a ā€˜blesserā€™ to cater to her expensive tastes. There are even fans who say that sheā€™s had enough with two kids and is now ready to get back out there and earn or ā€˜drum upā€™ some cash.

A Dose of His Own Medicine and the ā€˜Independent Warriorsā€™

Frankie may have just gotten a dose of his own medicine as Kwamboka may have left him to approach something ā€˜betterā€™ the way he left Maureen. We speculate that Corazon belongs to the class of women who ā€˜donā€™t need a manā€™ to be happy. Theyā€™ll find someone, bear kids, and then leave them to be on their own. These ladies are kind of ā€˜independent warrior womenā€™ who are so feministic that they believe in not needing a man or male partner to be happy and lead a good life.

For them, a sense of security and stability comes from having money or illustrious careers and not being someoneā€™s wife. The funny thing is that though some of these women actually do well on their own, others, especially the blesees, end up becoming mistresses to rich old men; and not really having a life by the time they are old and not as hot or beautiful anymore.