Earth Uno: A Sci-Fi About the Future Existence of Many Earths

We are the inhabitants of Earth Uno, the first, the one, and so far, the only.

Earth Uno: A Sci-Fi About the Future Existence of Many Earths

We live on Earth-One or Earth Uno in Spanish. We live in a world that is, as far as we know, the one and only of its kind. We are, therefore, the inhabitants of Earth Uno, the first, the one, and so far, the only. Earth Uno is our home, it is everything we have and everything we ever wanted, need, and more. It is plush with beauty and is wondrous in all its might and power.

Earth Uno can raise ocean waves to over a hundred meters, it can bellow out some earth-shaking volcanoes, and can give rise to the most extensive of forests. Earth Uno is the best, the best for all of us, humans, in every way possible. We live it, and we definitely love it. Why else would we be so mad about climate change and the climate crisis?