Devilishly Handsome

Physical beauty or handsomeness is just superficial and it should not mean much. The same goes for your body type or your physical build. I think of that just as hardware.

Devilishly Handsome

πŸ’‘ Warning: Too much self-adoration on one post. Maybe read the next one?

I don’t mean to blow my horn but I know that I look good and it is funny that sometimes others don’t know how to handle it. For the guys, it’s almost shocking how this guy looks and some will even feel a little weird for acknowledging it. For the girls, they will either fall hands down deeply in love or not want anything to do with a man of such beauty. I know I am devilishly handsome and I want to say it has nothing to do with the devil. It is a blessing from God. Also, it’s not that big a thing.