Cycling is a Growing Sport in Kenya

Cycling is a growing sport in Kenya and has been growing in the last few decades. Kenya now recognizes cycling as a competitive sport, and enthusiasts the country over are joining the sport. Cyclists are, however, calling on the government to offer financial assistance to the sport. When cyclists lack enough funding, they are unable to take part in local and international competitions, losing the chance to gauge and hone their skills. Cycling is an intensive sport and can only be done professionally when cyclists have all the equipment they need and are supported financially.

A Gradual Growth for Cycling in Kenya in the Last Decade

Cycling in Kenya has grown gradually over the last few decades as more and more young people became introduced to the sport. The advent of technology and the increased accessibility of information on cycling has also meant that aspiring cyclists can access the information they need to take part in the sport as a profession. There have also been emergent technologies that have made it easier to access information on professional cycling and what equipment and bicycles are needed to take part in professional competitions.

Professional Cycling Taking Root in Kenya

Cycling is no longer only a means of transportation in Kenya, and professional cycling is becoming commonplace as more young people discover a passion and enthusiasm for the sport. Cycling is majorly a European sport and is very much appreciated more in Europe in countries such as France, and England and also in Asia in countries such as China. The biggest competition in professional cycling is Tour de France, and cyclists wanting to participate need to be good at the sport and have adequate funding. The logistics and equipment needed to compete on that level are definitely something that not all cyclists will afford, especially in the developing world.

Increased Awareness of the Existence of a Robust Cycling Community in Kenya

The growth of cycling in Kenya has, however, been getting a boost through increased awareness and now there are cyclist groups and associations that ensure there is some level of organization in the sport. When cyclists are organized, they can train together, hone their skills together, challenge one another, and compete. Cyclist associations also make it easier for funding as donors and the government can fund cyclists who are in an organized group, where there are systems for the effective use of the funds. In most cases, sports and sporting activities are curtailed by the lack of organization and ineffective management systems.

Cycling in Kenya will Continue to Grow

Cycling in Kenya will continue to grow, and we hope that more and more Kenyans will be inspired to join the sport. Kenya, along with other African nations, is learning more about the sport and there is increased access to cycling gear, equipment, information, and also professional cycling bikes. When all these are there and the government funds the sport, cyclists can be afforded the opportunity to compete regionally, and also internationally. Cycling is recognized as an Olympic sport and that means that Kenyan cyclists, on performing well, can be afforded the opportunity to take part in Olympic cycling.