Can't Believe Daniel Craig Could Dance So Well! - See the Viral Ad where James Bond is Busting a Move

Wheeww!! Day totally made! You should definitely watch this video.

Can't Believe Daniel Craig Could Dance So Well! - See the Viral Ad where James Bond is Busting a Move

The internet is really something but what has really blown me away this Valentine's Day is seeing James Bond actor, Daniel Craig bust a move. Damn can the man dance! Like every other man (or woman) out there, I love James Bond films but seeing now-retired James Bond actor Daniel Craig do something as fun as dancing just blew my hat away.

Video of Daniel Craig Dancing

I love love this ad. It shows Daniel Craig as a fun, naughty, and skillful dancer who's just on a classical/bad boy dance vibe. Wheeww!! Day totally made! You should definitely watch this video and be sure to have the music on loud because it's giving major party vibes. Enjoy and a Happy Happy Valentine's Day my loves! Mwaah. Stay tuned.

Who Directed the Video of James Bond Dancing?

The ad is directed by Taika Waititi and features music from Rita Ora and Giggs. The video is courtesy of Belvedere Vodka. Buy the Belvedere Vodka Luxury Polished Stainless Steel Bottle Holder and Tongs on Amazon using the button below.

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