Biden Wins Georgia as Trump Wins North Carolina

President-elect Joe Biden won the state of Georgia in the just concluded 2020 U.S Presidential Election, after a vote recount. Donald Trump, on the other hand, won North Carolina. Joe Biden now has 306 electoral college votes, compared with 232 for Donald Trump. Biden’s win in Georgia cements his nationwide win and is a clear outcome of the election. The election this year was one of the most dramatic and has been marred by numerous controversies.

An Unconceding Trump

Donald Trump is yet to concede, even as he has hinted that there would be a change in leadership come January. Joe Biden has made history as the only Democratic candidate in the last few decades to win the state of Georgia. Georgia is a swing state and is crucial in the race for the U.S. presidency. The state has 16 electoral college votes and was anticipated to be one of the paths that would lead Joe Biden to the presidency.

Only 232 Electoral College Votes for Donald Trump

North Carolina was also another swing state holding 15 electoral college votes. Donald Trump was projected to win North Carolina, even as it would have no considerable effect on his re-election bid having already been defeated. With only 232 electoral college votes, Donald Trump is clearly at a loss in the just concluded election.

Donald Trump, on the election being called for Joe Biden, mounted numerous legal challenges against the outcome of the election. Most of these cases have now been rejected and thrown out. Numerous jurisdictions and states have found his legal bids to be baseless and lacking in terms of substantial evidence. Donald Trump, therefore, has no option but to leave office, according to law.

The Transition of Office to Joe Biden Marred by Issues with the GSA

The transition for Joe Biden has been marred by numerous hurdles, including a refusal by the General Services Administration, GSA, to recognize his election win. The GSA is the office responsible for numerous management and budgeting functions in support of the federal administration of the United States.

The GSA supplies federal agencies with products, manages federal assets, staffs numerous federal offices, and takes care of payrolls for those working in the White House and other federal agencies. The GSA, however, failed to recognize Biden’s win and has been holding out the assistance needed by Joe Biden and his team to facilitate the transition. Consequently, Joe Biden could not receive intelligence updates or set up the needed administrative systems.

Biden Now President-Elect and Receiving Presidential Facilitation

Joe Biden, despite all the hurdles to taking office, is already the president-elect and has been receiving presidential facilitation including presidential security, and a presidential motorcade, and is currently occupying the office of the president-elect. Due to the blockade at the General Services Administration, he and his team can, however, not access the funds they need to kick off the transition. They are not currently in a position to hire new staff members or put them on the payroll.

The Biden team has threatened to sue, therefore, as a way to coerce the GSA to comply and offer the needed facilitation. The Biden transition contrasts greatly with the Obama-Trump transition. By this time in 2016, former President Barack Obama had already invited Trump to the White House and offered his assistance in smoothening the transition, something that Trump is yet to do.