9/11: 20 Years On

The 9/11 Attacks on the World Trade Center in New York were the worst and most horrific attacks in United States history. The attacks were the worst violation of the sovereignty, liberties, and freedoms of the United States and were instigated by Al-Qaeda terrorists. The 9/11 Attacks were a dark and horrific occurrence that tainted the world in so many unforgettable and unforgivable ways. It brought gloom and sadness all over the world and sparked a war that is now only ending. It darkened the face of the world and changed the United States and the world forever, leaving an indelible mark of terror.

In what is America's darkest day, Al-Qaeda, a terrorist group led by Osama Bin Laden, hijacked two planes and forced the pilots to crash them on the then World Trade Center's twin towers in New York on September 11, 2001. Source: LAT.

Our hearts and prayers go to the families and loved ones of those who lost their lives that day. Over three thousand people of more than 90 nationalities lost their lives that day, a loss beyond words. May their souls rest in eternal peace and may their memories be a blessing. May God comfort their families and give them strength. Terrorism has no place in our world and we condemn it in the strongest terms possible. 9/11: 20 years on is a world broken by endless or โ€˜foreverโ€™ wars and countless deaths and injuries. Many lives have been lost and many more have been changed forever.

9/11 Al-Qaeda Attacks

Al-Qaeda, a terrorist group, hijacked several planes on the 11th of September 2001 and forced the pilots to crash the planes on the World Trade Center, WTC, in New York, the Pentagon in Washington D.C, and with another plane crashing in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Four planes crashed that day, two at the World Trade Center, one at the Pentagon, and the last in Shanksville. The twin towers of the WTC later crashed down on first responders including heroic firemen and law enforcement. The plane that crashed in Shanksville was headed to the Capitol in Washington D.C. but thankfully at least 4 of its passengers fought the hijackers, and it ended up crashing at Shanksville.

Watch the 9/11: One Day in America Documentary by Nat Geo below. It covers the day's events from the moment the first plane hit to the moment the last survivor was pulled from the rubble. Source: Nat Geo.

The planes all had passengers, pilots, and crew members while the WTC and the Pentagon buildings were all packed with employees, visitors, and workers who worked there. A total of 19 militants hijacked the planes and caused countless damage to not only the safety of America but also to its spirit and feeling of safety. The story of 9/11 is a story of unimaginable tragedy but also a story of hope as many people stepped up and helped others that day. There are countless stories of the attacks' victims saying that this person or that person saved my life.

Two planes hit the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, leading to the deaths of nearly 3000 people. Source: DN.

At the time, then-president George W. Bush was visiting a school in Sarasota when he received the news of the 9/11 attacks. President Bush instigated measures to ensure resources were channeled to respond to the attack and expressed anger and disdain with the events of that day. In the following days, President Bush and his government launched several military responses to 9/11, deploying thousands of troops to Afghanistan to hunt down and eliminate Al-Qaeda, and its then-leader, Osama Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden, however, managed to escape the onslaught and was found and killed nearly a decade later in Pakistan.

The Untold Story of SEAL Team Sixโ€™s Raid That Took Down Osama Bin Laden - Part 2
A behind-the-scenes look at SEAL Team Sixโ€™s daring operation to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden

โ€˜Foreverโ€™ Wars

The 9/11 attacks instigated a slew of wars globally that until today continue to impact the lives of millions. Cases in point include the wars in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. Iraq was invaded shortly after the 9/11 attacks in a bloody war that touted Saddamโ€™s alleged production of weapons of mass destruction, WMDs. However, after he was ousted, the country was ravaged and thousands were killed from both sides, including Saddam himself being captured and executed, there were no WMDs discovered. Syria, on its part, suffered over a decade of war with the recent war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ISIS or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, ISIL.

Afghanistan, the most affected, saw two decades of war leaving thousands of people dead, and witnessing terrorist attacks even in the last days of the U.S. withdrawal. The attacks included an attack by ISIL at the Kabul airport that killed nearly 200 people and a drone attack by the U.S. The drone attack, it has now emerged, wrongfully and mistakenly targeted an aid worker even as the U.S Defense Ministry maintains that the vehicle in question was carrying bombs that posed an immediate threat to Kabul airport and U.S. military forces there at the time.

A plane crashed into The Pentagon on 9/11, as a second act of terror by Al Qaeda, targeting the US government. Source: ABC.

Trillions Lost

The ensuing wars after the 9/11 attacks cost the United States over $2 trillion. Even more costly, were the lives lost both on the U.S. side and in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. Even as there were huge expenses of war associated with responding to and avenging the 9/11 attacks, the highest price was paid by those who lost their lives and their families. Tens of thousands of others were injured, lost their limbs, and scarred for life by the ensuing wars after the 9/11 attacks. Those directly affected by both the 9/11 attacks and the wars that followed saw their lives turned upside down after losing their loved ones and a huge part of their lives and livelihoods.

In the U.S., many to this day bear the burden of the 9/11 attacks in terms of the pain, anguish, and unending sorrow it brought to their lives. In other nations, invaded by a vengeful United States, millions saw their lives upended and their countries fall into decades-long wars. In Afghanistan, for instance, the vengeful invasion that sought to defeat the Taliban from power cost the country endless lives and has now ended with a victorious Taliban, that is currently in the seat of power in the country.

Taliban Takes Over Afghanistan in a Rapid Advance that Took Just 11 Days
The former president Ashraf Ghani was said to have fled with millions in cash and has been blamed for the Afghan militaryโ€™s lack of will to fight.

Is the Afghan War Justified?

Firstly, there is no justification for terrorism and the 9/11 attacks. There never was and there never will be a reason big enough to justify violence of any form. However, the Afghan war and other wars that followed the 9/11 attacks were provoked in the sense that America was attacked and violated and had the obligation and right to defend itself in the most sensible and impactful way possible.

The world would not last a day if terrorism was allowed to reign supreme. With that said, the invasions of sovereign nations, uninvited and unrequested, are not justified as they violate the rights and freedoms of the citizens of those nations. This lack of justification stems from the fact that not all citizens of a country such as Afghanistan are terrorists or engaged in terrorist activities. There is also no way to cushion said countries from collateral damage or collectively suffering the negative effects of war.

Over a million Afghans and Iraqis lost their lives since the onset of US military engagement in the Middle East following the 9/11 attacks. Source: History.

International law and ethical codes of conduct in military efforts posit that all nations are equal and they all deserve the same treatment including ensuring that their sovereignty is maintained. Even when a nation is at war with another, several tenets need to be maintained and ensured. These include the minimization of collateral damage and the avoidance of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

In places such as Iraq, the United States failed to ensure some of these tenets were catered for with practices such as torturing suspects and even disrespecting the dead bodies of executed assailants. Even so, in the context of war, there is an almost absolute probability that there will be collateral damage. There is also a high probability that the tensions and violence encapsulated in war may instigate certain wrongs that could go against international law or the code of conduct for nations at war. However, this likelihood is in no way a justification for crimes against humanity and war crimes.


9/11: 20 years on and the world is still healing from the effects, both physical and mental, of the occurrences on 11th September 2001. The world will never forget 9/11 and we should remember that terrorism has no place in the world. Healing comes after recognizing the nefarious acts of terrorism committed on 9/11 and appreciating that we are all one and part of the human family. In the words of U.S. President Joe Biden, โ€œunity is our greatest strength.โ€

The September 11 Memorial at the site of the former World Trade Center in New York. Source: ABC.

The 9/11 attacks sought to tear the world apart but we heal by recognizing that we are one, and people of all races and religions are part of our collective human family. As such, there is no justification for Islamophobia, antisemitism, or other forms of hate based on color or religion. Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and members of all other religions are our brothers and sisters and possess dreams, hopes, and aspirations just like everyone else. Therefore, our collective responsibility is to ensure that we remain united and love one another unconditionally and heartfully as part of the human race and community. 9/11: 20 years on and the world is safer, united, and peaceful.